Name: New York, New Haven & Hartford RR
Layout owner: Richard Abramson
Scale: HO (1:87.1)
Size: 12′-6″ x 19′-6″
Prototype: New Haven electrified zone
Locale: southwestern Connecticut
Era: 1950s to 1960s
Style: around-the-walls
Mainline run: 65 feet
Minimum radius: 36″
Minimum turnout: no. 6
Maximum grade: 2 percent
Benchwork: open grid
Height: 49″
Roadbed: Homasote
Track: code 100 flextrack
Scenery: plaster gauze over extruded-foam insulation board
Backdrop: commercial photo backdrop
Control: direct-current cab control
This track plan originally appeared in Great Model Railroads 2020. See a PDF version of this by clicking here.