Name: St. Louis Junction
Layout designer: John Schindler
Scale: HO (1:87.1)
Size: 30 x 60 feet
Prototype: BNSF Ry., CSX, Norfolk Southern, Terminal RR Association of
St. Louis, and Union Pacific
Locale: St. Louis area
Era: 2010
Style: multi-deck walk-in
Mainline run: 275 feet
Minimum radius: 32″
Minimum turnout: no. 8 (main), no. 6 (yards), and no. 4 (spurs)
Maximum grade: 1.5 percent
Benchwork: open grid on L girder
Height: upper level, 50″; staging, 36″
Roadbed: cork roadbed on Homasote
Track: code 83 flextrack
Scenery: ground foam with some plaster
Backdrop: hand-painted and photos
Control: Digitrax Digital Command Control
This track plan originally appeared in the March 2020 issue of Model Railroader magazine. See a PDF version of this by clicking here.