News & Reviews News Andy Sperandeo has passed away

Andy Sperandeo has passed away

By Angela Cotey | October 5, 2015

| Last updated on November 3, 2020

Andy Sperandeo had been part of Model Railroader for more than 30 years

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For more than 30 years Andy Sperandeo was an integral part of Model Railroader magazine.
October 3, 2015 – With a heavy heart, I’m sad to report that Andy Sperandeo, who has been a part of our lives at Model Railroader magazine for more than 30 years, has died. Andy was 70 years old.

As some of you know, Andy had been fighting cancer and other ailments, and the combination finally caught up with him.

Andy started working at Model Railroader in 1979. He had a master’s degree in English and was working on a doctorate degree at the University of Texas when he joined the Model Railroader staff. Andy was promoted to editor in chief in 1993. He later became executive editor, and upon his retirement became a contributing editor. Andy wrote hundreds of articles, columns, and reviews for Model Railroader. He also was the founding editor of Great Model Railroads. Newer readers know Andy through his column The Operators.

Andy was a fixture at National Model Railroad Association conventions as well as a long-time member of the Santa Fe Historical & Modeling Society. His wife, Arlene, who over the years has become our good friend, often would join him at conventions. 

Andy liked to give NMRA clinics wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and he favored wearing hats, like the white straw hat in the photo above. Andy was an excellent model builder, a diligent researcher, meticulous
editor, and a good friend.

25 thoughts on “Andy Sperandeo has passed away

  1. RIP Andy The Operators lost one of the best we are going to miss him in the modeling community if it was not for Andy I wouldn’t have gotten into the Hobby in the first place. He created the MR&T which is almost as old as I am. Thanks for the tips Andy and so long rest in peace my friend may you forever run trains on the other side.

  2. I'm gutted to find out about Andy's passing. I have been reading him for years and he felt like an old friend with whom I would regularly correspond. We will miss you terribly old man. Godpeed.

  3. Andy's name appears for the first time on MRR Mag on the April 1979 issue as one of the Associate Editors (A.E.), under Russell G. Larson the Editor who stayed in that position for many more years. His A.E. colleagues at the time were Gordon Odegard and Jim Kelly. Jim Hediger was already a Senior Editor. These were the times when the cost of an MRR Mag. issue was $1,25 and it had about 185 pages in size!

    The news of Andy's passing was a terrible one for me, at least, since I didn't even know he was that sick!

    Condolences are in order to all members of his family, colleagues and friends, even those who didn't know him personally but fully enjoyed his great work on Model Railroading or his other personal qualities.

    Rest in peace, my friend. You will be missed!

  4. The model railroad and railfan worlds have lost a dedicated and knowledgeable man. We'll miss you, rest in peace Andy.

  5. Bill Fearn from Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada

    What a shock it was to hear about Andy's passing. I really enjoyed his articles on operation, and have employed a lot of his ideas on my current layout. My condolences go out to Andy's family, and his "family" at Model Railroader. He will really be missed.

  6. As October was a busy month, I did not know until now. Andy was a great guy and although I did not know him personally, I felt I did know him, as his videos and articles showed that he was genuine. To his family, I am sorry for your loss, and to Andy, go rest high on that mountain.

  7. I'm so, so sorry that Andy has passed away. It was a great shock to learn of it. My prayers go up for Andy, his family and loved ones.

  8. In my nearly 50 years of reading MR, Andy's byline was one that I always looked for. He was a consummate modeler and a very effective and engaging communicator. Though my interests might have differed from his, there was always something in his articles that I found useful in my modeling.

    My sincere condolences to Andy's family and friends, and may he rest in peace.

  9. I had occasion to email Andy some years ago and received an immediate reply. He was a very kind man, and will be sorely missed.

  10. Stunned…he was a part of my hobby for his full 30 years at MR. My heart goes out to his wife and to all of you who directly knew and worked with him.

  11. My condolences to Andy's family. Have read Andy's articles , since his coming to Model RR. Rest in Peace, Andy. Here are two long whistles, one short, and another long one for you !!

  12. Sincere condolences to Andy's family. I am sure that the staff at Kalmbach will sorely miss him. I always enjoyed his articles.

  13. What a double whammy. Just opened the November issue to read Jim Hediger's retirement and then to the website to read of Andy Sperandeo's death. Both men have been and will remain great pillars in the model railroad industry. Though I never had the pleasure to meet either gentleman I've always looked forward to their articles and stories. Jim stay with us for along time and continue sharing your wealth of knowledge, Andy may you find the respite from the illness and peace for your family.

  14. The Model Railroad community has truly lost a giant among us. Condolences to his family, Model Railroader staff, and Kalmbach.

  15. Very sorry to hear of Andy's passing. My sincere condolances to all his family and his many friends and co-workers. He's been a mentor and an an inspiration to so many.

  16. Loss of an Icon for all modelers, but specifically Santa Fe railroaders. I know few people so knowledgable in so many facets of model and proto railroading as Andy. I share some experience with his knowledge in operating with him at Lee Nicolas's UCW. Andy handled any job drawn for him with expertise that most could not fathom coming to a new layout to operate. Thanks Andy for the fun times with you. We will miss you. Condolences to the family and know he is now operating as dispatch on the Santa Fe in heaven.

  17. I had the privilege to meet Andy twice. Both times were at the NMRA Conventions. Always a gentleman more than willing to share a story or two with all that would listen. Truly a great asset to model railroading. He will be sorely missed. Our condolences to his family and to the MR staff.

  18. Very sad news. Andy, thank you for all you have taught me in the operators column, even though I have only read the magazine for 2 years. My grandfather in law Sudro Brown, the former president of the Amherst Railway Society, will be very sad. He has been to Andy's layout multiple times and new him fairly well

    You will be missed Andy,

    Owen Toal and Sudro Brown

  19. What sad news. I have been reading MR and TRAINS since the late 50s and I will miss him as much as I miss David Morgan. Having grown old with these guys has been a great privilege. I wish I had met him to tell him so.

    My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

  20. I have enjoyed Andy's columns, editorials, video's and writings over the years. He will be sorely missed. I am sure he will be stoking coal on John Armstrong's "Heavenly Lines" before long. We'll miss you Andy!

  21. It is always very difficult to lose a great friend. I can only imagine how those of you who had worked with such a great friend and fellow employee must be hurting. My deepest condolences to you and his family.

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