Siemens ACS-64
Scale: HO (1:87.1)
Price: $459
Era: 2020s+
Manufacturer: Bachmann Trains, 1400 E. Erie Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19124; 215-533-1600;

- Dual-mode TCS WOWSound decoder
- Keep-Alive capacitor
- Light-emitting diode lighting, including flashing ditch lights and directional marker lights and headlights
- Voice-guided Audio Assist
- Die-cast metal frame
- Mappable light functions
- Selector switch for choice between rail and pantograph power
- E-Z Mate Mark II couplers
Release date: Late 2022
Paint schemes: Amtrak (No. 600 [David L. Gunn] and No. 662 [Phase 3 scheme to promote Train Sim World 2 video game and celebrate railroad’s 50th anniversary])
News & Products is a regular feature of for model railroad operators and builders to get the latest information about locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, tools, track, and more. Model railroad product news may include HO, N, O, S, and Z scales. Product release dates and prices will vary according to each manufacturer.
If you are a manufacturer and have new product releases, please email Senior Editor Cody Grivno at for more information.