S2 class 6-8-6 turbine
Scale: HO (1:87.1)
Price: With dual-mode Paragon4 sound decoder, $874.99
Era: 1944 to 1949
Manufacturer: Broadway Limited Imports LLC, 9 East Tower Circle, Ormond Beach, FL 32174; 386-673-8900; broadway-limited.com

6-8-6 turbine steam locomotive features:
- Dual-mode Paragon4 sound decoder
- Brass boiler, cab, and tender body
- Die-cast metal chassis
- Built-in capacitor pack
- Factory-installed engineer and fireman figures
- Rubber traction tires
- Minimum recommended radius: 22”
Release date: December 2022/January 2023
Road names: Pennsylvania RR (No. 6200: as-built, with small smoke deflectors, with large smoke deflectors, and fictional Tuscan Red with five stripes scheme with large smoke deflectors). Also available painted brass but unlettered.
News & Products is a regular feature of Trains.com for model railroad operators and builders to get the latest information about locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, tools, track, and more. Model railroad product news may include HO, N, O, S, and Z scales. Product release dates and prices will vary according to each manufacturer.
If you are a manufacturer and have new product releases, please email Senior Editor Cody Grivno at cgrivno@kalmbach.com for more information.