News & Reviews News Polish steam comforts Ukrainian refugees for a day

Polish steam comforts Ukrainian refugees for a day

By Steve Sweeney | April 19, 2022

| Last updated on April 22, 2022

NMRA group and Wolsztyn experience offer rides and entertainment for dozens of families

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Polish steam comforts Ukrainian refugees: Group of people waiving in front of a stationary steam locomotive in a rail yard.
Ukrainian refugees and friends stand with a Polish steam locomotive during a free day of excursions and entertainment on April 16, 2022, for families displaced by the Russo-Ukrainian War. Tomasz Opaska photograph

Polish steam comforts Ukrainian refugees: On Saturday, April 16, the Hub Division of the NMRA Ukraine Support Fund together with The Wolsztyn Experience Mutual Trust Society and the Wolsztyn Steam Shed Cultural Institute ran a free steam special and picnic for nearly 300 Ukrainian refugees housed in the Wolsztyn, Poland area.

The Hub`s Ukraine Support Fund was set up to provide funding for food, housing, medical care and emotional support for these refugees. Saturday`s events provided a fun filled event for the children and their families and was enjoyed by all.

Saturday`s run was from Wolsztyn to Stefanowo about (10 1/2 miles) down the line. Because of the size of the crowd we split the group in half. The first group started at the roundhouse where we gave tours and had bouncey rides. This group then bused to Stefanowo for the picnic and games. After lunch this group rode the special back to Wolsztyn.

The second group started at the Wolsztyn station and rode the special to Stefanowo for the picnic and games, and then took busses back to the roundhouse for tours and bouncy rides.

In Poland, trains only blow a short toot for grade crossings. On Saturday, we decided to use U.S. whistle codes and woke a few people up. — Stan Ames, The Hub Division Ukraine Support Fund Agent

More information about this group is available online.

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