Video: Bachmann Trains HO scale Alco 2-6-0 Mogul
| Last updated on February 2, 2021
This Bachmann Trains Sound Value series HO scale steam locomotive includes a SoundTraxx Digital Command Control (DCC) sound decoder
| Last updated on February 2, 2021
This Bachmann Trains Sound Value series HO scale steam locomotive includes a SoundTraxx Digital Command Control (DCC) sound decoder
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Can I buy a DVD format of these product reviews or does Model Railroader Magazine plan on producing these videos in a purchasable DVD format in the future?
I bought one last spring. I put some Bull Frog Snot on the rear drivers and this increased pulling power significantly. remember a Mogul wouldn’t pull very long trains, anyway. All functions work on mine, so far I am happy with my purchase. I have had trouble with a Bachmann Climax, so am leary.
Sound weak. Poor traction on grade. Better of buying dcc ready unit under 50.00 and getting a Digitrax sound module.
One word of caution to all potential purchasers…while the price is competitive, it comes with dcc and sound it has a low quality drive mechanism. I had a reverser valve rivet disappear. I tried to get help from Bachman on my new engine and basically have been told I can spend alot of money to get it fixed. I will not be purchasing another engine from them.
I got one brand new off ebay for under $50 and my sound decoder cost me $39 plus a better speaker so it was under $100 for my first sound engine i love it.
I have this train but disappointed that the whistle and bell don't work. I have the DC and not the DCC, so that may be why.
Just bought this loco nice sound right out of box. I only needed to adjust the front coupler which was too low.
In answer to Mr. Fred Barret, the Mogul headlight is about the best one Bachmann ever put in a steam engine. The 2-8-0 and 4-6-0, if ever re-issued, should have the same LED used as they put in the 2-6-0, which is comparatively nice and bright.
The sound does not compare with the previous factroy installed soundtraxx decoders in the older 2-8-0's, 4-6-0's and 4-4-0's. It's missing the dynamo, and the engine does not drift realistically (with momentum added via CV3 and 4) when power is cut. It's cheaper that the previous sound engines … but …. then … the sound range is not as complete. I know steam engines, and I feel short changed every time I run my 2-6-0.
Got to have one of these. Sound is really good considering the price. Article in mag is excellent.
I have a 32 yr old layout running DC. This was my first DCC with sound and it worked just like MR review. The sound is really something! I want to change out a lot of my locos if Bachmann makes more like this at the very reasonable price.
Looks real good running down the track. I think I might have to have one for the layout I'm building. With a few added details this will be a first class locomotive.
To Mr. Fred Barret: No the Mogul didn't have any headlight problems.
To Mr. Peter Eick: If you click on the link under Related Articles, you can read the full review from the magazine.
Thanks for watching,
Dana Kawala
Senior editor
I'd like to see an answer to Mr. Fred Barrett from New Jerseys' question.
For the bucks, this one is a winner. This loco does run smooth at slow speeds and move through #4 & #6 turnouts without stalling. Bachmann intends to release other "Sound Value" locos in the future. I only hope they sell painted but not decorated versions.
I agree with previous commenters, the video's pretty much worthless without including shots of starting from, or coming to a dead stop, or crossing a switch.
I just Like that engine, sound and all!
I acquired a 4-6-0 Baldwin (as a Christmas gift) 2 yrs ago, and had trouble with the headlight not working. I sent it back to Bachmann, and they returned it 3 months later, (at no charge), but the light still isn't working properly (very dim, and sometimes not on at all!) Are there headlight problems with Bachmann's steam locos in general, perhaps with just the 4-6-0, or does the Mogul also have this problem?
nice engine,the sound is ok!!
i like to know about decoders
I like the video reviews, and I would like to have the host give a quick summary of the magazine review. A short one minute synopsis of the magazine article will help out in the future when I might come back to buy this engine.
Hi Dana,
Thanks for your prompt reply. Maybe Soundtraxx got enough complaints to tweak the software. I'll get on their website and see if I can find out. Perhaps a software/firmware fix is downloadable.
Hi Clinton,
As far as I can tell the Mogul doesn't use a cam to synchronize the chuffs. However, in both DC and DCC this steamer's chuffs were pretty well synchronized out of the box.
Thanks for watching.
Dana Kawala
Senior editor
These video "reviews" are nothing but product advertisements. The starts and stops are always edited out.
Dana, in your review, you wrote the chuffs were synchronized in DC. In the video, the chuffs looked symchronized there, too, in DCC. My experience with installing Tsunamis myself in some of my steamers and in your other reviews of factory Tsunami equipped steamers is chuffs are unsynchronzed in DC unless you program some CVs in DCC for analog running. Then the chuffs are off in DCC! The only solution I've tried and worked was using cam synchronization in DCC. A rep from Sountraxx told me they weren't going to fix the chuff problem in DC. Does the Bachmann 2-6-0 use a cam? I know, just run DCC, but my club (for politcal reasons) runs one or the other.