Video: Bowser Trains HO scale Alco C-630M diesel locomotive
| Last updated on February 2, 2021
Watch this HO scale SoundTraxx Digital Command Control (DCC) equipped locomotive model from Bowser Trains
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| Last updated on February 2, 2021
Watch this HO scale SoundTraxx Digital Command Control (DCC) equipped locomotive model from Bowser Trains
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Great looking model. I have been curious about the Bowser HO models and this answered my questions.
Also..thank you Dana Kawala for letting us heat the motive power of the model rather than the constant blowing of the horn and ringing of the bell. One or two air horn blasts and 3 seconds of bell gives you the general idea.
Nice looking engine.
I agree about the horn on these units , Mine sound terrible compared to other sound locos, to bad tsunami will never change their sound
I have the 2 BC Rail 701 and 704 and I like then alot.
It has been awhile, since I modeled in HO, but this loco looks and sounds good except for the horn. I hve heard much better horns,
Looks and sounds good. I like the horn better than some. If I was in HO I might consider buying one but I am in N scale.
great sounding engine
The engine sound is really good, but must agree with others, the horn is something to be desired. Hopefully using CV's one can get another tone or pitch or sound….BCR used Nathan's I believe, or the Canadian equivalent for their horns. I've heard some horns sound like this or similar to this but obviously needing maintenance performed on them!
Bowser is doing great things with their recent locomotive offerings. This C-630M looks and sounds great! I love how the
PGE paint scheme matches the MR&T layout fascia!
You guys should paint it into MRandT colors and use it on the layout
Excellent model and presentation. The only negative I could fine was the horn = it sounded slightly tinny, needs a little more bass,
Best sounding diesel ever, a real growler, definately gettin one. Great job Bowser and great vid MR.
Nice looking locomotive. Appears to run smoothly.
In Canada we haven't used the moose call horn (blaat, blaat) since the advent of the diesel. 3 or 5 tone horns are what are used all over Canada, BCR included. Sorry, but that excuse for a horn destroys the whole illusion. Sounds like a Kenworth rig! Otherwise, it's a nice loco.
I loved the growly sound to this engine. The only trouble was that, in DC mode, there was a clicking sound before the engine started so I had to have the engine sent back to the manufacturer. The draw to start the engine seemed abnormally high as well. So I had it sent back. On the positive side, the detail of this engine is exquisitely done; it is a very nice looking model. I am eagerly awaiting its return. The sound of that engine is truly unique.
The sound quality of the loco sounds in this video are the clearest and best of any video you have done. Good job!
like it looks like she runs smooth
sounds good except the horn.
I love all those Alco's, Bowser has really made that engine look right. I have not graduated to sound yet, but I am on my way.
Nice to see "Canadian" content. Thanks.
From Kelowna, BC Canada.
I have CP Rail # 4503, with DCC and sound, definitely a very nice well detailed and equally nice operating model. It sounds so good on my layout hauling a long freight up grades, it is tempting to buy a second one just to hear two of the prime movers working hard with the sounds out of sync just like to long gone prototypes