Video: Broadway Limited Imports Paragon2 HO I1sa Decapod
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
Watch this Digital Command Control (DCC) sound equipped 2-10-0 steam locomotive in action
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| Last updated on November 3, 2020
Watch this Digital Command Control (DCC) sound equipped 2-10-0 steam locomotive in action
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You have to admit, the locomotive was an interesting model, but I wish they had used a metal cab and boiler as seen later on the PRR H10S. The H10S will outpull the I1sa in most conditions, and as was noted below, no HO smoke unit produces the correct color and amount of smoke for a coal burner (the effect is very Lionel, very cheesy from someone who worked with coal burning steam locomotives in my career). The Bowser I1Sa was a beast, by comparison, as were any of the Westside or PFM Brass units.
Now if we could only get them to do heavy metal with DCC and sound G5S's, D16sb's, N2Sa's and my favorite transition diesel, the Lima Hamilton LT2500's……
We can only hope……
Kyle F. McGrogan
Great vedeo. Good model, must have model
Thanks for presenting this preview video. The model is nice! I think the smoke-function is reaching a bit too far, reminds me of the Marx [O] scale tinplate steamer models of the late 40s-early-50s. It isn't really necessary. Certainly the sounds, prototypical slow-running drag freight operation, and the great looks are plenty enough to make this a fine addition to an [HO] model PRR empire. I recall as a kid – standing near the tracks as a dble-header coal train pulled by "hippos" blasted by, with the earth shaking beneath my feet and the rain of cinders clicking on the paving. Can't you just smell the smoke and hot-iron???
Excellent demonstration of the steam loco: varied views including even a brief night scene, all the different sounds, and at a good level to be heard while separated from the opening and closing comments. This was the best demo to date of a product in action. One small suggestion: begin from a standing start as speed is gradually increased, and also show the unit as it slows down to a stop with system in idle.
Loved the video, love seeing all the new products. I had gone through several layouts, Lionel, as a child, HO as an adult, with all the "greatness" of imported brass, tried N for a few years, to hard on the aging eyes. Now I am interested in a "toy" layout with On30 trains from Hawthorne Village. No layout yet, collecting track, houses, railroad engines, cars, etc. Have to get my basement room started "some day". I welcome e-mail, subject line, trains. Keep up the good work, the worlds "greatest hobby" people.
The engine looks and sounds good, but the smoke effect is not very realistic. The smoke should puff more realisticly.
My grandfather worked on the PRR, and my Dad used to tell me stories about hanging out in the yards and riding in the cab with him on locals. He said the whistle on the Decapods would make your hair stand on end. He spoke with reverence about the I1, J1 and K4. I was born about 5 years too late to see them in action, but thanks to BLI, I'm able to recreate the Pennsy I was told about. I just wish Dad and Granddad were around to see this outstanding model!
Thanks as always for the videos, they add so much to the articles about the new products. Any thoughts to having similar sample videos to go along with articles about layout visits?
Very nice but I hate that "bandshee" whistle
Great video, beautiful model. The "Banshee" whistle has a definite European sound to it. Again, very well done video.
Hi Ray,
If you click on Layout Visits under the Articles tab on the top of the screen, you'll find some layout videos.
Thanks for watching,
Dana Kawala
Senior editor
Hi Raymond,
The whistle is correct for the prototype. The "banshee" whistle was meant to be shrill.
Dana Kawala
Senior editor
Very impressive, I liked it.
Very good looking locomotive. Everything sounds good but the whistle. Does it belong to that locomotive?
Wish I could afford this stuff. haha
Was the whistle deeper sounding on the real locomotive? The model sounded too schrill in the video.
Great improvement on the sound quality of your video recording on this one guys. I think a similar tweak on your lighting would help too. A little more aimed direct from the camera maybe? Overall though, one of your best jobs.
Nice model however, the whisle sounds like a British type, too shrill.
Hay, Dana, great sound and excellent photography. That's more like it. Thanks!
Good photography and sound capture… to date. I hope there is a choice of whistles included in the software. The Banshee would definitely not be my first choice. Smoke is a bell & whistle that I could live without. Doubtful if smoke will ever be truly realistic.
I own two of these great models and they are one of my favorites. At first I was taken aback by the whistle but now i LOVE IT! It is a fun departure from all my other steamers and the factory set variations are perfect for me. This engine is as fine running as any high end steamer over all. I had to have a pulsing issue fixed with shimming under warranty by the factory on both engines but it was worth the set back. The finish and detail are top notch for a plastic body model and the DCC features are as good as they come. These models have a high value fun factor for the price. I would like to see more lighting effects from BLI on future models, ie: cab, marker lights & fire box glow.
Wow! I model CMStP&P out of the north side of Union Station and a Little of the PRR out of the south side> I'll have to look closely at this Decapod model.
The audio is greatly improved. Thank you for the result, however obtained.
Growing up around the Santa Fe and Frisco, I never heard a Banshee whistle, it must have been quite the thing on a dark night. There are four exhausts per driver revolution, but the sound cam seems to be more than a little bit 'out of square.'
Very nice piece great details and sound. But OH! that whistle.
Wish I had one…looks and sounds great