Video: MRC DCC sound decoders for Kato N scale F7 diesels
| Last updated on November 3, 2020
The Model Rectifier Corp. no. 0001957 Digital Command Control (DCC) decoder provides sound effects for N scale Kato F7 diesel locomotives
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| Last updated on November 3, 2020
The Model Rectifier Corp. no. 0001957 Digital Command Control (DCC) decoder provides sound effects for N scale Kato F7 diesel locomotives
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I agree with Loren. Sounds from N scale decoders are not very loud. I wonder too if there is a way to improve those sounds.
Nice work on the installation David and the train looks great on the layout. Is the speed of the bell selectable, it seemed a little fast compared to what I remember?
Horn doesn't sound too good. Is that the default horn sound we hear on the video?
Looks good and sounds good. I love to see those long passenger trains snaking around those curves.
Very nice, I'm in the process of creating a desert type scene with a steam style passenger with five cars. I still need to find a place where I can obtain "N" gauge cacti and such. It's an on going process(in the works for over three years and not set up yet), and my space is limited. When I finally set up, I plan to add sound, so this was enlightening !
It looks very good and has good sound too. Along with the beautiful scenery it looks real.
Installed in one F7. Sound is not very loud. Is there a way to let more sound out ot the Loco cab?
The train looks awesome winding through those curves. I'm still not convinced N scale sound is worth doubling the cost of a locomotive. The lack of base bothers me.
I model in N-scale, but I sure would not spend $110 for one of these sound decoders. The engine and bell sounds are OK, but the horn sounds terrible. Very unrealistic! Sounds tinny. I realize that the speaker size in N-scale will not produce the quality of sound found in larger scales, but, for this much money, I'd expect the horn sound to be a little more realistic. Glad you did the video so I know what I'll be missing.
I run DC cab control but every time I see one of these videos it really starts to get me looking at the Digitrax starter set at the Hobby Shop!
David, Nice Video and good article (I need to study it, but that's the advantage of a hard copy, ) for the time when I try to install the decoder as well. Keep up the informative stories.
the product has inconsistant quailty control namely the speaker. I have installed two and one speaker has great clairity and the another does not. upon further inspection I notice that there are two differnet speakers. look for the larger speaker which is silver in color. This one has great clairity and volume. I use them at GTE show and they are heard above the crowd noise. PC forever!!!
Sounds good, pity I don`t have a model railroad at present to make use of it.
Very impresive. However I have had some bad experiences with MRC sound decoders in HO in the past. They seemed to just reset themselves for no reason at all. I am a modeller in South Africa and I regret to say that the support from MRC was non existent. They never answered any of my emailed queries. Perhaps they only care about their American customers? I now only use Sound Trax or ESU Loksound decoders as their support is excellent.
You need to get the mic closer to the track so we can better hear the sounds produced.
What is wrong with the horn? It does not sound realistic at all.
What a awsome looking train I just love Santa Fe my layout is sf and up sound is great also thanks for showing it.
Realistic sound,great scenery! Makes me thirsty just looking at that terain!
These MRC sound decoders might be better than their reputation has told.
The recording of the sound is very tinny. Is that the way it really sounds or is it an artifact of the recording? I know that small speakers are used, but that was less than satisfying. What about using dummy B units and putting larger speakers in them?
I tried those decoders, they did sound very good, however, they died. All 4 of them within 9 months! MRC said there is a charge to repair them. This is not a good version of customer service.
The F-7's horn sounds like a kazoo!
Not quite a Tsunami by SoundTraxx, but a pretty good sound overall.
Great article and video. Sound is getting better and better in NScale. Thanks for all your efforts!
What an eye-Popp-er and as well an ear pleaser! Now do we know why David did the substitute DCC column for the June MR issue?