Video: ScaleTrainscom HO scale SD40-2
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
The HO scale SD40-2 features an ESU LokSound decoder
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
The HO scale SD40-2 features an ESU LokSound decoder
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Great slow speed performance, but the horn squeaks!
Maybe that Kalmbach truck knocked out the support posts while trying to make it to the crossing in time to see the train!
Along with the realism, the bells, the whistles, and other featrues in model railroading today are approaching the same found in a new car. You got em scattered on your dashboard but don’t know how to use em. Another thing that is missing here, the two guys in the cab. Another feature I shudder to think of is driverless trains. Hell. I can remember when I waved to the guys in the cab, they waved back.
I noticed the same thing, Gene. there must be some pretty stout beams cantilevered back into the roof structure to hold all that up! A good looking loco, though.
That garage scene the engines passes near the end doesn’t look right. There is far too much roof overhang to be realistic for those little corner braces to support. The roof need posts at both corners to properly support the roof. Most people may not notice it but once you spot it, it kills the whole scene.
Another good review Dana with a mini ops session movement. Also like the lower camera angles giving a different view of the MR&T layout.
The Chessie horn sounds much less annoying!
I wish you had recorded a sequence using the dynamic brake. Absolutely right on. I have one of these. Best.sound.ever!
Light, bells, horns, start up, notching, smooth acceleration……and all without an engineer in the cab. 😉
dont sound good
These are the best SD40-2’s that I have ever used. The magazine review mentions some coupler issues with other brands of couplers and I also had some random uncoupling issues. My fix for this was to use a KD #5 coupler with the two sharp corners at the forward shank filed down just a bit to allow the coupler to swing freely. The existing spring and coupler box can be used as is. Regards.
That review video of the NS SD40-2 model was absolutely stunning! Seeing the video made me glad I purchased my two Rivet Counter NS SD40s. They came without the ESU LokSound decoders. At the current time, my budget doesn’t allow for the fully loaded versions. I will buy and install the LokSound decoders in the future. Great video!
Nice looking unit. Is it by chance a remote control unit? Although you probably didn’t need to use them, are there dynamic brake sounds on the decoder?