Enjoy this photo gallery from the August 2022 Trackside Photos.

with dirt, crushed leaves, and a variety of ground cover products. The locomotive and log cars are Keystone and Durango Press models.

New York, New Haven & Hartford motor no. 3, an EY-1 electric locomotive, negotiates the street trackage on Seaview Avenue in Bridgeport, Conn., in the early 1950s. Above on the busy mainline, EP-4 no. 0363 hauls a heavy Grand Central Terminal-bound express. Rick Abramson of Trumbull, Conn., photographed the action on his HO scale New Haven layout. Rick built the layout with an authentic catenary system like that used by the New Haven, using components by Model Memories. The EP-4 is a brass Overland Models import.

With Amtrak no. 463 on point, the daily Surfliner rounds the curve between Capistrano Beach Park and the Pacific Coast Highway on its way from San Luis Obispo, Calif., to San Diego. Dennis Caresio’s HO scale layout models the Southern California coast in the early 2000s. No. 463, an Electro-Motive Division F59PHI, is an Athearn model. The coaches are Walthers products that Dennis painted and decaled to match the Surfliner scheme. The AM/PM store is a Summit USA kit, and the lifeguard stand was scratchbuilt.

Baltimore & Ohio class EM-1 no. 7615 sets the cans and jars rattling at nearby Picklers Canning Co. as it rumbles through Parkersburg, W.Va., on its way to Philadelphia in April 1947. David Gale of Matthews, N.C., photographed the scene on his O scale layout. The 2-8-8-4 steam locomotive is a Sunset Models brass import.

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Trackside Photos is a showcase for the work of Model Railroader readers. Send your photos (digital images 5 megapixels or larger) to: Model Railroader, Trackside Photos, P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612; or upload them to fileupload.kalmbach.com/contribute. For our photo submission guidelines, contact senior associate editor Steven Otte at sotte@kalmbach.com.