Basic Training: Adhesives for modeling
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
| Last updated on February 11, 2021
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hi CODY I have suggestion for a video — I like a video about the control panel I see few of them but I like to see one from you how you to make a control panel with from the begining to the end and the easy way with what we have at home –we dont have the printer like you guys –I see the one you made for the yard but no boddy have a printer like you if it possible or if you have a other suggestion to give to me I will accept …thank you and your video are so nice and good to understand thank again ANDRE
good tips Cody I would not recommend Gorilla that stuff is too strong remember when you built Winter Hill those guys used Gorilla to lay down the track and the end result was not nice roadbed that was hard to remove melted rails and ties thats how strong it is. for scenery go with Dap 230, Elmers White, Wood Glue, and Liquid Nails don't use Gorilla on layout or you can't remove it. for kits go with Testers cement in the blue tube don't use the red tube that stuff is toxic and contains solvent which will eat your model. if your going to use superglue read the label or it won't come off and make sure you have acetone or paint thinner next to you because CA can be real nasty.
Cody, thank you for the video, However the only comment I have is that I would NOT recommend using Gorilla glue on any structures, rolling stock, scenery or any other visible detail parts. Gorilla glue expands during try time, I believe it expands up to three times larger than the amount first applied..this would create some cosmetic issues for sure.
Thanks Cody always something to be gained here.. And as you stated you do have to read…
Cody, great segment, I was wondering if Gorilla Glue would be suitable. now I know I can use this for much of my layout.