Videos & Photos Videos Beginners Basic Training: Checking and adjusting coupler height

Basic Training: Checking and adjusting coupler height

By Angela Cotey | May 19, 2013

| Last updated on February 11, 2021

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Couplers are what hold the cars together on a model railroad. They can also cause problems if they are not set properly. Cody Grivno shows you how to check to make sure your couplers are in good working order, and what to do if they are not.

8 thoughts on “Basic Training: Checking and adjusting coupler height

  1. I am getting the following error code when trying to view this video:
    “Sorry, the video player failed to load.(Error Code: 101102)”
    I believe it was working in MRVP.

  2. I have two diesels whose couplers are higher than all of my flat cars. The flat cars are all wheel mounted couplers. Do I try to lower the couplers on the diesels or raise the ones on the flat cars? And if the solution is to body mount couplers on the flat cars, how is this done?

  3. Thanks Cody I will keep that in mind some of my knuckles are causing shorts I need to fix that

  4. nice video on coupler height adjustment tool. it would of been nice if the camera was lower to show how to check the out of adjustment coupler instead of showing the back of your hand. but good info anyway

  5. A great coupler lesson. Second to Larry's comment. If the camera can shoe how the coupler mates up to the gauge, especially the MicroMark unit, everyone would have a better idea. Good explanation of the over/under/middle shanks too.

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