How-to Library: Weathering a diesel locomotive
| Last updated on January 11, 2021
| Last updated on January 11, 2021
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Cody, getting back into model railroading and your weathering tips will definitly come in handy
Thanks Cody, just reviewed this video again to refresh my memory on all of your critical steps… very helpful before weathering my fleet of locomotives!
The class 1s don’t let a new locomotive sit once it arrives. This locomotive needs weathering. From fading the paint to oil drippings it is common on the locomotive. Good job Cody but something is missing. For the final step see Weathering Details also found in this playlist.
looks great, but for those of us who do not intend to purchase an airbrush and are short on time, please cover the other techniques.
Cody, thanks for this informative video. I was wondering if you could do one on how to weather a black locomotive, such asza D&RGW or NS unit. Thanks, Paul.
Cody, can you save these paint mixes or should you disguard them after every use?
Nice piece of quick weathering on that loco. Just one question……are you going to paint that Phillips head screw on the bottom of the fuel tank? I know that is picky and largely unseen, but it would drive me crazy after that great paint job……thanks.
Very nice work.. Many of us also take some thinned black paint (or India Ink, or whatever) and apply a wash to the side grills and vents to add depth to those features. Perhaps time prohibited this maneuver? Your GP38-2 certainly looks good in the final scene!
Nice job Cody! I really enjoyed the video.
Nice Cody! Came out great.
Cody, I noticed you introduced the use of roof brown in this video but when you painted the locomotive you said railroad tie brown. Which did you use?
Looks great Cody! Thanks ??