Winston-Salem Southbound Series: Painting an EMD GP9 diesel locomotive, Part 4 – Painting detail parts
| Last updated on January 11, 2021
| Last updated on January 11, 2021
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Great example! Cody. Really looking forward to seeing this finished.
Cody, Why did you choose not to add the end grab irons prior to painting?
Does the spray booth have a filter to reduce some of the gas being vented?
When painting the handrails, would masking the white sections of railing have saved applying white then yellow? How much time should be allowed between coats, I notice three days before applying decals.
Bob Neill
I spray the handrails with PPG Industries SXA1050 Plastic Adhesion Promoter, and then paint the handrails with regular model RR paint
Very good material presented here. One question: To save masking, why didn't you do the whole frame in the gray andthen mask the battery boxes? The black would cover the gray in one coat. Yes that means two coats of paint would be on the frame but 1) it's going to be black and 2) with careful application of paint the extra layer of paint on the frame shouldn't be noticeable. This is just a thought from someone who finds masking to to be a pain.
Good tips Cody. Why 3 coats of clear gloss instead of just 1 or 2?
Modelers take note of the outtakes and what happens when you have a malfunctioning spray booth or respirator… Onward!
Hello Cody,
how long have I to wait for removing the masking tape after spray painting the model?
Why use "gloss" from the jar and not a can? Does this make a big difference in how the decals adhere to the model?
That was very informative, nice to have the details on the psi you were using to airbrush. Would you recommend a lacquer clear coat being acceptable as well, especially if you might later add pinwashes to the panels. I've also used Johnson Clear floor wax to seal model airplanes and the like with good results.
Very informative painting session Cody, its good to hear the extra little painting tips that you provide that make painting more successful. I was curious about the final locomotive gray color though, wouldn't there be a record somewhere at EMD or the WSRR that would call out the specific color for that diesel? Most of them have a standard color selection, don't they?