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Video: Freight train run-through on Pelle Søeborg’s new HO scale model railroad

By Angela Cotey | October 19, 2015

| Last updated on December 2, 2020

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Contributing editor Pelle Søeborg is currently building a new HO scale model railroad set in the Midwest. Like his previous layout, the new railroad focuses on the modern-day Union Pacific. In this short video clip, you can watch a long freight train of Pelle’s meticulously weathered and detailed locomotives and freight cars pass through one of his recently finished scenes.

25 thoughts on “Video: Freight train run-through on Pelle Søeborg’s new HO scale model railroad

  1. I'm amazed at Pelle'e creative genius. His works are spot on.. Thanks for sharing and providing inspiration.

  2. Somehow I managed to pack away the March 2014 issue of MR without reading it, and I didn't rediscover it until I was cleaning out my office the other day. Imagine my delight when I came across the issue with its feature article about Pelle Soeberg's updated UP Daneville Sub layout. As good as this video is, it doesn't begin to do this layout justice. When I showed the article to my wife (who has no interest in model railroading), even she was blown away by the realism and attention to detail. As a retired locomotive engineer, I have only one bone to pick with the article (and after all this time, I hope I'm not the first person to catch this). The caption to Photo 5 describes UP locomotive #9138 shoving a boxcar toward the warehouse in Daneville. If that's the case, the crew is in trouble, because the trainman is stationed on the rear end of the move, and the engineer is making a blind shove, which is a big no-no. If there is only one trainman, he or she should always protect the head end. Other than that, this is one of the most magnificent layouts I've ever seen, and I hope that we get to see much more of it. I also hope that Pelle decides to keep the Daneville Sub even though he's working on another one. Five stars aren't nearly enough to rate how good this layout is.

  3. Excellent modeling by one of today's premier modelers! To bad you're not a steam guy, I would really love to see how you would weather a steam era train and layout!

  4. I'm grateful that I am a Post-WWII Baby Boomer and got to watch railroading at it best with first generaton diesel power. Even the beginning of the second generation with GP30s and other neat models was great to watch trackside. Now well into 21st Century, this high tech railroading does little to excite me. I understand how the old die hard steam rail enthusiasts (the term railfan was still well into the future) felt with the invasion of Mr. D's Machine! "Graffiti" was made with chalk that washed away in the rain. The crap today sprayed by trespassors is not only depressing but down right disgusting as well. However, Pelle, fantastic modeling, realistic and impressive. Looks like a 1950s steam to diesel layout is requested by many modelers here as a future project. Hope you'll consider. Happy Holidays!

  5. Great video and sound. Too bad there was not the sound of a wheel with a flat spot going by but that is just nit picking it was so good.

  6. Just tremendous modeling. His detailing on the rolling stock and structures are second to none. We all need to chip in and get him a macro lens for his camera so we can have more sharpness depth of field images.

  7. Cliff West…you're right, the locomotives don't all have to face forward…BUT, they often do on the real railroads. Many times the engine terminal in a big yard is too busy or too lazy to get the short hoods facing outward on both ends of the engine consist.

  8. So where is the caboose? It ain't a train without a caboose, I don't care what the F scalers (12 inches equal a scale foot) say. A little blurry on the locomotive numbers. The UP has their F scale layout less than hundred yards from my door.

  9. Is he going to make a detail video of the whole process? and yes, you could give us a longer video clip. Anyway. Thanks for sharing this little clip.

  10. As usual I can always rely on Pelle Soborg to show us how it should be done. His expertise is amazing and he always gives me my Union Pacific hit for the day as being firstly a Big Kid of 67 and a U P Nut from way back it is a must to see my favourite Railroad in action and when you live in North Queensland, Australia it's about as far away from the Union Pacific as you can get. This talented gentleman gives me a front row seat and plenty to think about for my own modest N Scale Layout.

  11. I really enjoyed the sounds of the rolling stock going by with the flange squeaks and such, but the locomotives seemed too loud as they were audible the entire train length. Absolutely fantastic modeling of the scene though. Well done as always!

  12. The details make all the difference. That's what makes it look real. The thing I noticed first is the difference in elevation on the main line vs the sidings. Well done Pelle!

  13. Pelle has done his homework as usual.. Visually beautiful, incredible realism, keeps your attention on every car coming down the line, etc. I have the same visual experience stopped at the rail crossing when a similiar UP mixed freight train is on the move in Richmond, Texas. This to me is what model railroading is about. Can't wait to see more in the future!!!

  14. Mr. Soeborg does quality layout building and design work. Wish my skills were as good as his. Keep up the hobby you enjoy and lets hope we get to see a full layout video soon.

  15. Love to see his work. So much attention to detail. Makes you think you're right there, Can't wait to see more of his new layout.

  16. We want more articles on steamers !….Enough diesels & hi-tech – Get us back to classic steam, where we have smoke in the air and cinders in your hair !….BACK TO THE 30'S AGAIN !!!

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