Video: Pelle Søeborg’s HO scale Daneville Sub part 2
| Last updated on December 2, 2020
| Last updated on December 2, 2020
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Very nice Pelle… hope to meet you someday. This ranks right up at the top with David Barrow and his Cat Mountain & Santa Fe layout.
only if the cars where moving, you think it was real. Pelle work on that.
One of the best ever which will be remembered and imitated… Great Job!!
Pelle, what sound system do you use? It sounds very good to me.
I enjoy your contributions to Model Railroader. This video evokes even more admiration for your work.
Was the pusher locomotive powered or a dummy? If powered do you slow it in programming so it doesn't derail the coal cars?
Audio is absolutely critical to videography, and now, in model railroading. The illusion of a passing train is difficult to maintain when the sound level of the engine(s) remains constant. 1. Is there a reasonable way to address this? 2. Would a woofer (which is non directional to the ear) be helpful in replicating the engine sound? (The scenery is first-rate, but attention to the audio would definitely help.)
Fantastic scenery ,My wife looked in on the video part way through and actually thought it was a real train . Like most trains with dcc I find the sound a little less than perfect, but I have no problem with this . Great job well done , I am sure you had many hours of pleasure building it
Talk about creating something that brings back memories of the area, except for the wonderful warm(!) conditions. Pelle Seeborg hit the winning score with his layout. I spent sometime In the Mojave area (was at Edwards AFB on temporary duty from a base on the coast), recalling how beautiful the desert looked in the early morning hours, however, the days were warm, even in the early spring. The number of trains passing through Daneville on Pelle's layout approximates the number of trains I have seen passing near my home in Tucson. All I can say is HUZZAs to a layout that is as memorable as the V&O, G&D, and others. Pelle has not just captured the locale, but the large trains passing through.
Beautiful modeling Pelle. I especially appreciate your trackwork. The one thing I noticed though was your pusher locomotive with the cab facing the consist. All the UP intermodals I've seen coming through the Fort Worth district have the cabs facing the rear.
What a wonderful layout. Your scenic depth is just so realistic. Many thanks for showing me how the landscape should be modelled.
Great layout. I do miss some of the trees and mountain scenery from his previous layout, but this one is top notch too. I wish I had the space, time, money and skill to build a layout of this caliber.
my favorite layout of all time. really captures the feeling of a hot, dry small desert town and the limitations of a small isolated town. less is indeed more. makes me want to start over.
Outstanding layout !!! It looks just like a prototype. Hard to believe it's a model railroad layout. I get inspired by looking at your layout and It gives me ideas on what I would like mine to look like. Thank you for sharing.
What a terrific layout.
It's a shame the sound system came from a tin can. Any amount of money spent for what is supposed to pass as authentic railroad sounds should have been saved and spent on the layout.
I've heard other layouts on site and they all seem to sound the same. Really bad.
Even though it is UP it looks amazingly like the Needles Sub in terms of background mountains. That grade crossing shot with the railfans reminds me of the Route 66 crossing just east of Ludlow, same angle only double track.
Beautiful scenery, backdrops, just enough weathering and realistic track, loco's, cars and structures. Can a model of a section of a railroad get any more realistic than Pelle's layout? Congratulations, Pelle, you captured the essence of railroad modeling!!
Fantastic layout Mr.Soeborg – one of the best scenery I've ever seen.
Stunning scenery! It looks like Mojave and i like it. good work!
His superb building skills and scenic artistry once again prove that if done with purpose, less detail equals greater realism, not the other way around!
The sound deadening material is very apparent,I've seen wonderful layouts were the unrealistic sound of the car wheels destroy the illusion, not here on Pelle's Layout.. What outstanding craftsmanship,It is true!,he has done what we all are trying desperately to achieve. I applaud his skills as a model railroader and his spirit to try it twice.
Absolutely fantastic! I truly enjoy reading your articles and books and watching your videos. You are a master!
Pelle, you are beginning to get on my nerves. Don't feel bad, I felt the same way about the late John Allen. Just enough attention to detail to make the scene come to life. One thing I haven't noticed on your layout are UP's three-light signals. They are a little different than the "normal" looking signal in that the head is shrouded.
Where did he find the McDonalds, kit bashed, scratch built or a kit? It looks great too, he definitely nailed that whole project. Your attention to detail is fantastic, great job!
Awesome! Among the very best models and modelers on the planet. While far from the biggest layouts, his use of space and simplicity of design are exactly what make it realistic. I am inspired and impressed!