Video: Remembering the N scale Clinchfield RR
| Last updated on November 23, 2020
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| Last updated on November 23, 2020
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This November makes it 40 years ago. Any idea if the layout still exists ? How about a retrospect video or photos in the magazine ?
thanks video on Clinchfield as was great watch and reading about,
as further looking of building my Clinchfield Railroad down under in Australia in HO scale with DCC operation from what have Model Railroader magazine and set of books
Gordy was a legend in the hobby when his estate was sold MR took the Clinchfield out of his basement and took sections of it to MR headquorters. When the T-Trak project came to light David, Dana, and Hediger went over to Gordy’s house and took all the buildings off and David took some of the shells of the locomotives and some of the cars and they were used on the T-Trak layout. If you see a car that says Clinchfield on the side you know where it came from.
hard to imagine this was 36 years ago?? I remember the Clinchfield well, as Jim mentioned, N scale just not up to standards yet but what a wonderful job they did. Whatever became of the layout?
Why isn't the volume higher? I can barely hear tit.
I inherited a heap of Model Railroader when my Good Mate, Bruce Wetzig passed away last year. They made a great contribution to my Library and I was lucky enough to get the issues discussed in this video. Not only is the Clinchfield a great Railway but to hear the Guys discuss the short comings that N Scale had at the time brought back fond memories of when I started in N Scale.
Although I have stayed with DC in my 19' X 9' Feather River Layout I certainly have enjoyed the progress N Scale has made and pioneer Layouts like the Clinchfield took many of the steps progress has made to get N Scale where it is today.
Being in North Queensland, Australia puts me about as far from The Feather River and The Keddie Wye Bridge as you can get but being a Model Railroader subscriber of many years now certainly has made building my Layout so much easier.
Cheers from Australia, Denis May
I wasn't out of high school when I was reading about the Clinchfield layout. I think at that time, I was modeling in N with a HCD layout. Good times!
These Cinchfield videos are terrific. Do you have an others you can share?
Very nice Video
Where is the Clinchfield layout today?
Classic layout built by some of the best MR staff. It is also a very interesting layout when used in the operations mode. A modern version, using today's equipment, scenery and command control, would be interesting to see. Any takers?
Here's film I shot in 1978 including the Clinchfield layout at Kalmbach:
Watch for film footage of the Clinchfield layout at 0:46 and 1:02 of this video:
I shot it at Kalmbach in 1978. Look for Gordy Odegard operating.
i have built the clinchfield and i have changed the mountains a bit and im very happy buy the way it runs and i think its a great track plan ive put in aturn table in dane yard and acoal tower loader near the branch line goin to the main mine thank you modelrailroader for the chance to build it
Fascinating to hear Jim talk about the pioneering days of "N-Scale" and developing revolutionary lightweight scenery techniques whilst coping with the limitations of early "N-Scale" equipment and rigours of transporting the layout to shows. Jim has a marvellous way of telling a story, with a touch of humour and fun, that keeps you enthralled.
Thanks guys!
The Clinchfield was a great model railroad project. It could be improved by adding additional rail customers other than coal related industries. If done today, I would turn the same trackplan into a New Mexico desert setting and run Santa Fe operations from the 1950s. A Kato Super Chief would look great. I would add some small engine facilities and insist on DCC operation. A Raton N.M. setting could be fitted into the Dante yard area. Other N.M. Santa Fe towns could also be selectively fit. There are 2 1/2 scale miles of mainline fitted into this track plan. Not bad for a 13' X 6' sized platform. Think about it.
Interesting. Gives me ideas on a layout that is movable.