VIDEO: The N scale Georgia Great Southern Ry.
| Last updated on December 2, 2020
| Last updated on December 2, 2020
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I love the layout, and I like the ‘overlay music’, nicely done! and takes me to a place of contentment juz watching those Alco’s run,,, sweet as Georgia pine on the breeze..
Enjoyed the article and the video. Would love to know where Joe got the ship model in N-Scale.
I live not too far from Joe and have been most fortunate to visit and enjoy his beautiful layout several times.
nice layout, Was surprised to see the Fayetteville courthouse! I own a Ice Cream Shop across from the courthouse on the square in Fayetteville (you can see the building on the picture) come and visit!
That steam loco on the first train caught my eye as well. Nice touch! Would love to know where you got the logging trailer in that later scene. Are they currently available and if so where on-line? I live in far off Israel and sadly, we don’t even have a single hobby shop here. Thanks again for sharing your excellent layout with us.
Lose the music. The layout, and operation are nice to watch but the music you overlay on these is terrible. Leave the train and decoder sounds in and lose these tunes. Yuck
Nice long trains. Great coupler settings !! Impressive back-drops
This is one of the best layouts, regardless of scale, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. And there’s no finer gentleman in the hobby than Joe. If you can make the Piedmont Pilgrimage layout tours this fall, go see the Georgia Great Southern.
That’s not big. Here is a good sized Z-Scale
Lose the music and leave the operating sound in.
I’m an HO person myself…but it is amazing what can be done in N scale. This is a nicely done layout.
I especially liked the steam engine on flatcar load in the consist of the first train rollby. Nicely done!!
Very nice layout and trains
What a great layout. When I saw this in my Model Railroader, it was hard to believe a layout that big in N Scale. Joe Gelmini has really captured the feel of the Southern Railway and the music sets the mood.
What an awesome rr