Lionel No. 6464 boxcars made their debut 70 years ago. Over the past few decades those near-scale replicas of modern single-door boxcars have become some of the most popular and appreciated members of the postwar cataloged lineup. Collectors at every level – from beginner to advanced – hunt for examples of the 29 models offered […]
ManuFacturer: Lionel
Guide to HO metal wheelsets
For many years, HO scale modelers debated whether to use plastic or metal wheelsets on freight cars. That discussion has quieted down over the past two decades, largely because most new models come with metal wheelsets. However, as evidenced by the number of offerings available today, there’s still a strong demand for aftermarket metal wheelsets. […]
Lionel No. 440N signal bridge
Imagine you’re in midst of designing a three-rail layout with a decidedly toy look. Maybe you want to give a sense of what electric trains were like before plastic models became prevalent. Or perhaps you have in mind an environment in which gaily colored playthings made of tinplated sheet metal predominate. Wisely, you’ve decided to […]
Lionel No. 3459 green dump car
Take a look at the Lionel No. 3459 automatic dumping ore car, cataloged from 1946 through 1948. The most common version of this model came with a black-painted frame and black metal tray with “Lionel Lines” heat-stamped on both sides in white. Lionel offered this variation for all three years it cataloged the 3459 and […]
Behind the Christmas tree train set tradition
Christmas tree train set The history of the “putzen” In as early as the 18th century, Protestants immigrating to America were making miniature Nativity scenes in their homes around Christmastime. The Moravians, who at the time settled in the Lehigh Valley (eastern Pennsylvania), are recognized for consistently doing this activity. The term “putzen” is a […]
Lionel’s perfect postwar train set
Lionel’s perfect postwar train set The perfect postwar Lionel train set should have a great locomotive, exciting and attractive pieces of rolling stock, and maybe an operating accessory. There would be plenty of track, too. Which engine and cars would you choose if you were able to assemble a perfect outfit from the post-World War […]
Lionel No. 97 coal elevator
The trend of motorized accessories replicating activities associated with railroading began at the Lionel factory in New Jersey. Let’s spotlight the revolutionary No. 97 coal elevator, which made its debut in 1938. Prototypical – not always accurate The idea of a vertical loader with buckets on a chain that lifted coal from a receiving bin […]
Lionel No. 42 gas turbine switcher
Joshua Lionel Cowen had adopted a firm stance on the need to avoid manufacturing “war toys.” Even on the eve of World War II, when Lionel was already producing precision instruments for the armed forces, Cowen refused to bend, unlike his peer and rival, Louis Marx. Everything changed in 1955, probably because the mood of […]
Lionel No. 6822 night crew searchlight car
Improving a basic model: 1949-56 Lionel did not immediately fill its postwar line with a true searchlight car – just a work caboose equipped with a floodlight (No. 2420). The presence of a searchlight car in the rival American Flyer catalog, beginning in 1946, makes this omission more glaring. In 1949, Lionel brought out the […]
Lionel No. 3472 operating milk car
When you reach a certain age, every birthday deserves to be called a big one .Among other things, my celebration in July got me thinking about the toy trains that happened to be available when I was born in 1951. Specifically, I wondered what my dad might have bought for his infant son if he […]
Lionel No. 12741 intermodal crane
Prewar predecessors Cranes that can lift miniature cargo, rotate as they hold it, and lower it into a tray or a piece of rolling stock have been toy train staples since the first part of the 20th century. Perhaps the first such accessory made in America – certainly, the most celebrated of the prewar era […]
Lionel’s separate-sale items and accessories for 1959
Lionel’s separate-sale items and accessories for 1959 Readers of our article on Super O and O-27 outfits cataloged in 1959 (September 2009 issue) will remember that the company experienced some earth-shaking changes in 1959. The turmoil started at the top, as Joshua Lionel Cowen sold control to Roy Cohn, his great-nephew. This confounding move by […]