History of the Seaboard Air Line The Seaboard’s beginnings date to 1832, when the Portsmouth & Roanoke was chartered to build from Portsmouth, Va., to Weldon, N.C. Opened in 1834 the companies’ backers saw great potential to link the North with the South’s agricultural and forest products and with its developing potential for industry. P&R […]
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Canadian Pacific won the Class I railroad operating ratio crown for 2020, the first year that three of the big seven systems reported operating ratios below 60%. CP’s operating ratio, the closely watched measure of railroad efficiency, improved 2.8 points compared to 2019. Following closely behind CP were Union Pacific, at 58.5%, and CSX Transportation, […]
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Several years ago, I purchased some undecorated Athearn HO scale 50-foot Railbox boxcar kits at a local hobby shop. Wanting to add some variety to my rolling stock fleet, I decided to model the cars in Railbox colors but with Burlington Northern reporting marks, 1. Easy enough, right? Well, not so fast. As most veteran […]
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I enjoy scratchbuilding structures from styrene because it’s easy to cut, it takes glue well, and it’s readily available, 1. Though cutting wall sections is easy, making door and window openings can be tedious. However, with the Nibbler cutting tool, you can cut openings quickly and accurately. The Nibbler is a hand-operated punch-and-die tool that […]
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Microscale Kristal Klear is a versatile adhesive. One of its uses is to secure clear parts to models. But in a few simple steps, the adhesive can also be used for window glazing, 1. Kristal Klear works best on smaller window panes. Start by dipping a Microbrush into the Kristal Klear. Then, working from the […]
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I’ve seen many well-weathered models, but too often the effect is ruined by shiny black couplers with bright metal centering springs. But in three easy steps, you can weather your couplers to look more prototypical, 1. On my Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern GP40, I wanted the couplers to look older, so I sprayed them with […]
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Additional Monday morning rail news: Metrolink receives $13.6 million for grade crossing projects Metrolink has been awarded $13.6 million in Federal Highway Administration funds for grade crossing improvements along its Antelope Valley line in the cities of Lancaster and Palmdale, Calif. The commuter railroad will work with Union Pacific and the two cities to design […]
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I have a crossing where trains automatically stop and thought it would be nice to add a diesel fueling facility there, but I have a very limited space. First, I attached a walkway and tank/equipment pad using tile scraps to the main station pad with Plumbers Goop, and brass strips to keep everything in alignment. […]
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Structures are the easiest way to bring a scene to life. As with anything on the railroad, scale is the primary concern. You’ll want to find structures that match the scale of your trains. That’s not always as easy as just looking on the box. Even in commercial kits where a scale is designated, architectural […]
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Realistic scenery, modified Plasticville structures, a Marx tunnel, and a loop of three-rail track with a single spur inject the Edge of Town Layout with visual appeal and operating activity. Ed Berg has been refining this Marx compact display for about 20 years. […]
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Realistic scenery, modified Plasticville structures, a Marx tunnel, and a loop of three-rail track with a single spur inject the Edge of Town Layout with visual appeal and operating activity. Ed Berg has been refining this Marx compact display for about 20 years. […]
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Q: I have an old Rivarossi locomotive from a Northern Pacific passenger set. Have you ever run an article on adding a DCC decoder to one of these? – Chuck Kvasnicka, Chicago, Ill. A: Former DCC Corner columnist Mike Polsgrove ran a column titled “Installing a decoder in a Rivarossi locomotive” in our April 2006 […]
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