Product spotlight: Model Rectifier Corp. Throttlepack AC100 transformer

HO scale locomotives Electro-Motive Division SD70M diesel locomotive. CSX (dark blue and yellow with boxcar herald in two road numbers), Norfolk Southern (Thoroughbred scheme with Positive Train Control antennas and primer gray, both with flared radiators in three numbers each), Progress Rail (CSX patchout, three numbers), Southern Pacific (as-delivered scheme, four numbers), and Union Pacific […]
Bachmann On30 0-6-0 steam locomotive Whether it’s logging, mining, or in-plant switching, all private narrow-gauge railroads have one thing in common – they need a reliable locomotive to move their rolling stock. Bachmann’s latest addition to its Spectrum line of On30 steam locomotives is a home-grown 0-6-0 tender-style switcher. The ready-to-run model comes with a […]
There’s more to modeling an Electro-Motive Division (EMD) SD40T-2 tunnel motor than simply repositioning the air intakes on an SD40-2. The meticulously detailed ScaleTrains.com HO scale SD40T-2, part of the firm’s top-of-the-line Rivet Counter series, provides an exclamation point to that statement. The model is dimensionally accurate and available in several roadname- and roadnumber-specific versions. […]
Kato N scale Viewliner II baggage car If you like to keep up with the cutting edge of rail passenger equipment, Kato has a deal for N scale modelers. Viewliner II baggage cars are now on hobby shop shelves, hot on the heels of their recently delivered prototypes. The prototype: The Viewliner II is the […]
WalthersMainline HO wide-vision caboose A newly tooled model of a steel International Car Co. extended wide-vision caboose is available from Walthers. Part of the WalthersMainline series, the value-priced model features accurate dimensions and is solidly built, but doesn’t feature all the factory-applied separate detail of a WalthersProto model. For those who wish to add grab […]
OPERATING OIL PUMP: Atlas announces an O scale operating pumpjack. The factory-assembled and wired accessory is offered in black, blue and white, orange and black, and red. It operates on 8 to 22 volts alternating or direct current. The pumpjack retails for $89.95. See your Atlas O retailer or visit www.atlasrr.com for more information. ENLIGHTENING […]
NEW YORK — The Long Island Rail Road was scheduled to debut its first new equipment in almost 20 years on Wednesday morning, placing eight Kawasaki M9 m.u. cars in service. The new equipment was slated to debut on the 6:50 a.m. departure from Huntington, N.Y., to the Hunterspoint Avenue terminal in Queens. The MTA […]
A portion of the cameras and sensors aimed at freight trains to detect freight car problems at the Transportation Technology Center near Pueblo, Colo. These sensors help comprise the most modern methods of freight car inspection. Trains staff Q: How do railroads determine which freight cars need repair before continuing their journeys? — Robert Rose, […]
A photo of a big boxy freight load, likely a wind turbine nacelle. Submitted by Mark Faust Q: Saw a whole CSX Transportation train of these in Sullivan, Ind. What are they? — Mark Faust, Carmel, Ind. A: The photo you submitted resembles a wind turbine gearbox nacelle, and is probably what the train was […]