First Look: Broadway Limited Imports HO scale Pennsylvania P5a electric


Broadway Limited Imports Paragon3 HO scale Pennsylvania RR P5a electric left side Broadway Limited Imports Paragon3 HO scale Pennsylvania RR P5a electric (right side) Broadway Limited Imports Paragon3 HO scale Pennsylvania RR P5a electric (front view) Broadway Limited Imports Paragon3 HO scale Pennsylvania RR P5a electric truck detail Broadway Limited Imports Paragon3 HO scale Pennsylvania […]

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New models trains for the week of August 22, 2019

Accurail HO scale assorted freight cars

Accurail HO scale 40-foot plug-door refrigerator car HO scale freight cars Assorted freight cars. Black Hills Packing Co. 40-foot plug-door steel refrigerator car, $19.98. Canadian National 50-foot boxcar with exterior posts (Illinois Central reporting marks), $18.98. Canadian Pacific 40-foot insulated boxcar, $18.98. Illinois Terminal Pullman-Standard 40-foot PS-1 boxcar, $18.98. Quebec Central 36-foot Fowler boxcar, $18.98. […]

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Toy Train Basics: All about track

Toy Train Basics logo

To continue this informative series of videos from Classic Toy Trains magazine, David Popp shares info and insights on the wide array of O gauge track systems, sizes, and styles you can use to build a toy train layout! […]

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Ask Trains: Why and when did rails get their shape?


Rail profiles through time from file: TRN-TC0513 Illustration: Rick Johnson Q: Why and when did rails get their profile? — Rozier Smith A: The basic shape, or profile, of rails that we see today: chucky head, thin web, and wide base, has its roots railroading as early as 1789, according to an illustration Trains printed […]

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Ask Trains: Why do EOTs only flash at night?

An orange end of train device is seen atop the rear coupler of a passing train

EOTs — end-of-train device Q: In track side watching and in videos, I note that end-of-train devices only flash at night. Why is this? — William Carpenter West Chester Township, Ohio The Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee (NORAC) rulebook used by most northeastern railroads states that each train occupying a main track or controlled siding […]

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STB urges mediation in Amtrak-CN contract renewal dispute


WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board will appoint a mediator to resolve differences in long-simmering operating agreement negotiations between Amtrak and Canadian National. The agency’s decision, released late last week, provides a rare glimpse inside a document which governs on time performance measurement, financial incentives, and penalties. Amtrak and its hosts generally keep contract details […]

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