Ask Trains: Why do railroads create heritage locomotives?


Union Pacific SD70ACe No. 4141 letter for former President George H. W. Bush led Bush’s funeral train from Houston to College Station, Texas, in Dec. 2018. 18345-3 Bradley Bates Q: Painting locomotives is expensive. I’m curious to know why railroads would spend this kind of money painting heritage units? — David Berg, Minneapolis, Minn. A: […]

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Build an easy Christmas layout


When I learned our 4-year-old granddaughter was visiting my wife Diana and me for Christmas, I was determined to make the holiday extra special by building an O gauge Christmas tree train layout – and I knew where to turn for help. My brother Norman has been a model railroader for as long as I […]

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Stuff We Use: Adjustable snap and glue clamps

Adjustable snap and glue clamps

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page For projects such as building a model structure roof, gluing pieces of styrene at an angle can be tricky. Associate editor Steve Otte shows you how to make this task much easier and quicker with a set of snap-and-glue clamps. […]

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Stuff We Use: Adjustable snap and glue clamps

Adjustable snap and glue clamps

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page For projects such as building a model structure roof, gluing pieces of styrene at an angle can be tricky. Associate editor Steve Otte shows you how to make this task much easier and quicker with a set of snap-and-glue clamps. […]

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The Seligman and Paulden Lines

Seligman and Paulden lines toy train layout

Name: Peter Atonna Railroad Name: Seligman and Paulden Lines Location: Paulden, Arizona Scale: O Highrail Description: This is a video featuring my recently completed “big city” scene and terminal. It shows trains coming and going as well as the yards and engine facilities supporting “downtown.” […]

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ASK TRAINS: How do you operate two steam locomotives together?


On West Virginia’s Cass Scenic Railroad, engine crews with three Shay locomotives signal each other with whistles for moves and stops. TRAINS: Steve Sweeney Q: When you have two steam engines together, how does the second engineer know how much throttle to give? — Dennis E. Schardt, Sr., Summerdale, Pa. A: We get asked this […]

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Ask Trains: Maps that show train frequencies

Q: Do you know if any publications, or any web pages, blogs, or any Internet resource that maintains a U.S. map that shows frequency of train service? — Frank Norris, Santa Fe, N.M. A: Simply put, no such resource exists as railroads hold traffic data as proprietary. The best way to learn about railroad operations, […]

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