Quick Look: Fox Valley Models N scale Pullman-Standard coal gondola


Fox Valley Models N scale Pullman-Standard coal gondola Price: Single car, $27.95; six-pack, $159.95 Manufacturer Fox Valley Models P.O. Box 1970 Des Plaines, IL 60017 www.foxvalleymodels.com Era: 1975 to present (as decorated) Road names: Burlington Northern (four six-packs), Cajon Electric Power (three six-packs), and Fayette Power (three six-packs and one single car) Comments: Modeling unit […]

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WalthersMainline HO scale chop-nose GP9


The GP9 (CNW sample shown) has drill-starter points for grab irons. Walthers offers a detail kit for the model separately. The layout of the components under the shell is pretty typical, with the printed-circuit board and decoder located above the motor and flywheel. The chop-nose GP9 is equipped with light-emitting-diode headlights. A newly tooled chop-nose […]

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2019 National Train Show report, part 1

Atlas Model Railroad Co. HO scale Electro-Motive Division GP7 diesel locomotive

HO scale locomotives Electro-Motive Diesel SD70ACe diesel locomotive. Union Pacific (“Powered by our people” scheme). One road number. Light-emitting-diode headlights and front and rear ditch lights, removable cab roof secured with magnets, and commemorative box. Direct-current model with 21-pin NEM plug for Digital Command Control decoder, $249.98; with dual-mode SoundTraxx Tsunami2 sound decoder, $339.98. December […]

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