How far can you travel for 15 cents?


Railroads like Illinois Terminal, Pennsy, and New York Central sent promotional material to author Matejka, and often returned his 15 cents postage as well. How far can you travel for 15 cents? As a child in the early 1960s, I was traveling all over the country from my St. Louis home, thanks to 15 cents I […]

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In Memoriam: David A. Bontrager, 1944 – 2019

David Bontrager of Elnora, Ind., died on Feb. 24. He was 74 years old. David penned more than 130 articles for Model Railroader, Mainline Modeler, and Model Railroading magazines between 1988 and 2001. Among his contributions to MR were several HO scale diesel locomotive articles, including detailing a Burlington Northern General Electric (GE) C30-7, a […]

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In Memoriam: Robert C. Kingsnorth, 1945 – 2018

Robert “Bob” Kingsnorth of Medford, Ore., died on Oct. 8. He was 73 years old. Bob’s journey in model railroading began when he received a Lionel set at age 6. He made the switch to HO scale when Kix breakfast cereal began giving freight cars as a promotion. Bob’s first byline in Model Railroader came […]

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