North Coast Hobbies compact spray booth

North Coast Hobbies compact spray booth

North Coast Hobbies compact spray booth What’s the price of cleanliness and safety? Using a spray booth is a wise move for any hobbyist who works with paints and solvents. The booth’s air flow removes fumes and draws overspray away so it cannot fall back on wet paint. North Coast Hobbies’ “compact” spray booth doesn’t […]

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Downtown Deco O scale hotel and bar

Downtown Deco O scale hotel and bar

Downtown Deco O scale hotel and bar The Atlantic Hotel is one of the fine limited-run plaster structure kits produced by Downtown Deco in O scale. Its rectangular design is typical of older masonry structures found in cities nearly anywhere in the country. The kit consists of well-detailed and textured plaster wall castings that had […]

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State Tool & Die HO scale universal mill car

State Tool & Die HO universal mill car

State Tool & Die HO universal mill car This unusual car kit is designed for easy adaptation into a variety of the specialized cars used within steel mills. It’s a free-lanced model that follows the typical welded construction used in these heavy-duty cars. The styrene kit includes a body casting with a separate deck, short […]

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Stewart Hobbies HO scale Baldwin DS-4-4-1000 (SC) diesel switcher

Stewart Hobbies HO scale Baldwin DS-4-4-1000 (SC) diesel switcher

Stewart Hobbies HO scale Baldwin DS-4-4-1000 (SC) diesel switcher Stewart Hobbies has added a postwar DS-4-4-1000 (SC) diesel switcher to its line of HO Baldwin locomotives. Introduced in 1948, the DS-4-4-1000 replaced the VO1000 as the 1,000-hp switcher in Baldwin’s line. While it’s similar to its eight-cylinder predecessor, this locomotive produced its 1,000-hp with an […]

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Kato N scale Amtrak Superliner passenger cars

Kato N scale Amtrak Superliner passenger cars

Kato N scale Amtrak Superliner passenger cars Kato has introduced sets of all five types of Amtrak’s Superliner I passenger cars to accompany the firm’s Genesis locomotives (reviewed last month). These models are based on the original group of 284 Superliner cars built in 1979. The prototypes of these bi-level cars were built by Pullman-Standard […]

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Athearn HO scale 50-foot SIECO boxcar

Athearn HO scale 50-foot SIECO boxcar

Athearn HO scale 50-foot SIECO boxcar Athearn is now marketing HO models of a common 70-ton single-sheathed boxcar built in the 1970s for general service. These handsome Genesis-series models come ready-to-run and feature numerous separately applied details, magnetic knuckle couplers, and roller- bearing trucks with rotating caps. The prototype cars were built by the Southern […]

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NCE wireless DCC full-function cab

NCE wireless DCC full-function cab

NCE wireless DCC full-function cab What’s better than walkaround control with DCC? Wireless DCC, of course. The NCE Corp. has added wireless cabs to its Powerhouse Pro Digital Command Control system, giving users the freedom to move around their model railroads without restriction. With a wireless cab you can really pay attention to running and […]

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