Chesapeake & Ohio B30-7 No. 8242 is sandwiched between SD45s, with 4383 in the lead, as they pass through Thurmond, W.Va., on July 26, 1984. Kermit Geary Jr. photo […]
Chesapeake & Ohio passes through Thurmond

Chesapeake & Ohio B30-7 No. 8242 is sandwiched between SD45s, with 4383 in the lead, as they pass through Thurmond, W.Va., on July 26, 1984. Kermit Geary Jr. photo […]
This crossbuck stands guard on County Road Y near Sussex, WI, protecting Union Pacific’s Adams Sub as the sun sets on July 15, 2009. Drew Halverson photo […]
Though half of its train continues to ascend a 1.0 percent grade, BNSF 4617 East has crested the summit at East Ash Hill, about seven miles east of Ludlow, Calif., on the morning of Oct. 8, 2009. Within a few thousand feet, all 50 autoracks of BNSF Train V-SDGCLO1-07 (Vehicles, San Diego, Calif. — Clovis, […]
The Connecticut Eastern Railroad Museum held its annual night photo shoot on June 13, 2009, at Willimantic, Conn. Framed by the museum’s six-stall roundhouse, the six pieces of equipment arranged for the photo are (from left) a GE 44-tonner (built in 1950 for the Long Island Rail Road), a Narragansett Railway speeder, a GE 45-tonner […]
Flying flags that mark it as an extra, Louisville & Nashville 806 South pulls a 106-car freight upgrade south of Montgomery, Ala., on May 26, 1955. The train consists mainly of empty cars bound for the docks at Mobile, Ala., and New Orleans. […]
A Norfolk Southern freight prepares to diverge from Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor onto NS track at Newport, Del., while Amtrak’s Vermonter passes, on Aug. 26, 2008. The NS freight is bound for the “Shellpot Secondary” and Edgemoor Yard in Wilmington, and has been riding the Corridor from Perryville, Md. […]
VIA Rail Canada No. 692 “Hudson Bay” blasts through the snow at 50 mph at Dauphin, Manitoba, on March 26, 2009. […]
A Canadian National Railway conductor delivers a BNSF Railway grain train to New Coop in Knierim, Iowa, on March 5, 2007. The elevator gets BNSF grain shuttles by way of a haulage rights agreement over CN. […]
Norfolk Southern SD40-2 No. 3410, a former Conrail unit, pauses while switching the yard at Binghamton, N.Y., on the night of Aug. 15, 2009. Photo by Thomas Mik […]