Build a better layout

Build a better layout

A decade ago, Dick Christianson, the founding editor of Classic Toy Trains, and I began work on what became the O gauge Lionel Lines/Santa Fe layout. With help from CTT staff members, who dutifully ventured to Dick’s suburban basement every Tuesday night, we spent countless hours planning, thinking, changing our minds, and making false starts […]

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HO Train Layout Ideas

This booklet contains five National Train Show track plans, along with a bill of materials for constructing each one and some operational possibilities. The 4 x 8 dimensions are time-tested – that’s the size of a sheet of plywood, plenty of track and broad-enough curves can fit on it, and, most important, filling those 32 square […]

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Plans for a fertilizer blend plant


Click on the photo or link to download the prototype plans for this fertilizer blend plant. Rich Cobb Fertilizer blend plants have been common rail-served industries since the 1950s. Rich Cobb describes the prototype for his HO model of one of these trackside structures in the April 2018 Model Railroader. Click on the link below […]

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Coast Mail at Guadalupe

Coast Mail at Guadalupe

Mt-4 SP 4360 detaches from #72 and picks up two carloads of strawberries in the yard at Guadalupe Calif., in April 1954. Because they were so delicate, strawberries were carried in express reefers on first-class trains. This video was filmed on the still-unscenicked section of my model railroad, which will eventually depict several areas of […]

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B&M NH Mainline – Ballasting the Track

Hand adding ballast to model track

This is the second part of a two-part series where I demonstrate the process I used for ballasting the track on my B&M NH Mainline. This video details the four step process shared by Cody and others: Glue down cinders if appropriate; ballast the track center; light ballast on roadbed shoulders; and final ballast on […]

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BNSF Coal Operations

N scale coal operations

The bulk of my layout is set in Wyoming with a bit of Colorado and Nebraska. Coal is a key source of revenue for the BD&O. Here we see a BNSF Coal Train arriving at Cowboy Coal in Campbell County, Wyoming, then departing for Power Plants to the south. Video by Brian Olson. […]

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CSW CSX Rail Train

CSW CSX Rail Train

A loaded CSX ribbon rail train traverses the, in-progress, Chesapeake, Susquehanna and Western RR on HARM night. HARM (Harford Association of Railroad Modelers) is a round robin group celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Located in northeast Maryland, members meet every Tuesday evening. This train is based on the CSX prototype often seen on the […]

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