Off The Rails: Episode 32

Off the Rails with Gerry Leone Episode 32

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page Host Gerry Leone has more “Construction Kinks” to work out in this episode of OTR. Never mind that the basis for some of the tips are more than 60 years old, they’re still very applicable to the modeling tasks we perform today! […]

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Canadian Canyons Series: Modeling a tie treatment plant

Steve Otte next to layout

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page MR’s Steve Otte shows off the various kitbashed and scratchbuilt structures he assembled to represent the rail-served tie treatment plant on our Canadian Canyons N scale layout. Steve explains the origins of his structures and details that help complete this signature scene. […]

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Canadian Canyons Series: Modeling a plywood plant

Eric White next to layout

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page MR’s Eric White returns to the N scale Thompson River Canyon scene to install the structures and scenery that shape our representation of a large plywood plant. Eric shows how capturing key signature elements of a scene sure beats attempting to add each […]

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Canadian Canyons Series: Wiring the Upper Level

Canadian Canyons Series: Wiring the Upper Level

In this layout wiring walk-through, MRVP’s Ben Lake shares his approach to completing the wiring for the trackwork, block detection system, and planned signal installations. Ben’s technical explanations will help prepare you for the next bold step into MRVP Tech — computer control! […]

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Off The Rails: Episode 31

Off the Rails with Gerry Leone Episode 31

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page In this episode of OTR, Gerry shares his tips and tricks for modeling the lineside poles that make a main line look authentic. After sorting through the many options for poles, Gerry shows how to give them realistic texture, color, and details, including […]

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Olympia 2, The Log Blog: Part 20

Company houses on a model pond

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page It’s back to the blog for David! But not before he cleans up his workbench to make room to work on the company houses he’s installing along the pond. In this episode of the Olympia Logging Co. On30 layout expansion series, David shares […]

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Olympia 2, The Log Blog: Part 19 Ponds and Porches

A pond for a model railroad

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page Ponds, people, and porches are the prevailing topics for this episode of the Olympia Logging Co. On30 layout expansion blog. David shares his challenges when working with resin water and how he painted figures for the sawmill scene. He also shows how to […]

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Off The Rails: Episode 30

Off the Rails with Gerry Leone Episode 30

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page Host Gerry Leone unveils even more “junk” he couldn’t afford to throw out! His latest collection of stuff includes more product packaging that proves to be perfect fodder for model railroad applications. […]

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Canadian Canyons Series: Modeling a Burnt Forest

David Popp next to layout scenery

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page David Popp and Drew Halverson work to add a signature forest fire scene to the Thompson River Canyon on our Canadian Canyons N scale layout. Even without incorporating animated fire or smoke effects, the guys show how use of subtle color and scenery […]

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Off The Rails: Episode 29

Off the Rails with Gerry Leone Episode 29

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page In this episode of OTR, host Gerry Leone wades into the heritage of model railroading. By examining Model Railroader magazine’s age-old “Construction Kinks” column, Gerry reveals several tips and tricks that are still very useful today! […]

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