Better track, wheels, and couplers

Better track wheels and couplers

Better track, wheels, and couplers: Several years ago Atlas introduced its code 55 N scale track, and soon a great wail rose up from some in the N scale community. Beautiful as the track was, the wheels that came standard with Micro-Trains cars bumped against the track’s molded spike heads as the cars rolled along. The […]

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Wheel quality keeps rolling

Wheel quality keeps rolling: An infographic showing different N scale wheelsets

Wheel quality keeps rolling: Over the last five years or so, N scalers have shown increased interest in replacement wheelsets. Maybe it’s just because so many more choices have ­become available. Up until the ’90s, some cars came with less than satisfactory wheels. Often the trucks didn’t roll freely. Sometimes cars would shimmy down the […]

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Sidewinders, squeezers, and crushers

Here are two conventional sidewinder kinks lurking in Jims staging yard. These are the easiest kinks to find and fix

Sidewinders, squeezers, and crushers: In Milwaukee, our winter days can be very cold and dry, our summer days hot and humid. We can control the climate indoors, or at least try to, with heating, air conditioning, humidifying, dehumidifying, and such, but still we sometimes run into problems with track kinking on our model railroads. The […]

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Test twice, solder once

Jims simple test light has been around a long time and paid for itself many times

Test twice, solder once: It’s one of the best lessons I’ve learned in building layouts. In fact, it’s such a good lesson that I relearn it every once in while. My problem is patience. Testing takes a little time and slows my progress, or so I sometimes start to think. Actually, it can (and I […]

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News & Products for the week of March 13th 2023

News & Products for the week of March 13th 2023: an image of a model freight car

News & Products for the week of March 13th 2023 Model railroad operators and builders can get the latest information about locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, tools, track, and more by reading Model Railroader’s frequent product updates. The following are the products Model Railroader editors have news on for the week of March 13th 2023. […]

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Another layer of planning

This gusset plate connects a wood stringer and provides space for a switch machine. It could have been avoided with better planning

Another layer of planning: Perfect model railroaders (of which I suspect there might be three in the entire­ world) strike a delicate balance ­between efforts spent planning their layouts and time devoted to building them. Most of us, though, are somewhere on the plan/build continuum. Myself, I’m pretty far over on the “let’s start sawing […]

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Adventures in code 55 track

Adventures in code 55 track

Adventures in code 55 track: I’m now building my fourth layout featuring the Tehachapi Loop, so I call it Tehachapi IV. I’d used Peco code 55 track on Tehachapi III, and liked it very much, so I was planning to use it again. Then I saw Atlas’s new code 55 flextrack and was smitten. The […]

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Helixology for N scalers

Helixology for N scalers

Helixology for N scalers: Never say never. I thought I’d never build a layout with a helix because of a number of well-known disadvantages: Helixes take up a lot of space, so unless you’ve got a large area in which to build, you aren’t gaining much layout. If you have enough space available for a […]

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A (sort of) successful move

A successful move sort of

A (sort of) successful move: Back in 1995, I wrote a story for the first issue of Model Railroad Planning about Tehachapi III, the N scale Southern Pacific and Santa Fe layout I was building. In that story I told how I built the layout in 13 bolted-together sections supported by easy-to-disassemble ­L-girder benchwork. The […]

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News & Products for the week of March 6th 2023

News & Products for the week of March 6th 2023 Model railroad operators and builders can get the latest information about locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, tools, track, and more by reading Model Railroader’s frequent product updates. The following are the products Model Railroader editors have news on for the week of March 6th 2023. […]

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Improve ready-to-run freight cars with a little paint


Improve ready-to-run freight cars: A few weeks ago I bought an N scale freight car at my local hobby shop. The car was a bright yellow Milwaukee Road covered hopper by Trainworx, and besides the marvelous detail, it had two other features I’ve come to look for on cars: metal wheels and body-mounted Magne-Matic couplers. […]

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A signature N scale truck for Tehachapi


A signature N scale truck for Tehachapi: This photo of a cattle truck at Caliente, Calif., existed in my mind for perhaps 10 years before it finally came to fruition, and it was spurred by buying a Road Apples N scale stock trailer kit. The kit had two things going for it. First, I thought […]

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