Have you ever considered making rocket component loads for your flatcars? Over the years I’ve seen some interesting flatcar loads on full-size trains, but I wanted to build something I’ve never seen before. I’m interested in watching rocket launches, so I decided to scratchbuild SpaceX rocket component loads. The rocket I built isn’t modeled after […]
Section: Build a Garden Railroad
T-TRAK Project part 1: Back in the game again
T-TRAK Project part 1: Back in the game again: Modelers David Popp, Brian Schmidt, and Bryson Sleppy begin a series of projects build a small modular T-TRAK N scale layout. T-TRAK is a modular N scale railroading system that uses small foot-wide boxes to build tabletop layouts. They are designed to click together using Kato […]
Camouflage full-size items near your railway
Do you need to camouflage full-size items near your railway? Even though the 12 x 43 feet space in my yard is designated for my garden railway, I must share it with a couple of essential items that are full size, namely the composting bin and a storage bin. Every time I run my trains […]
Small rural station with freight house
Sometime ago I decided to build a combination small rural station with a freight house. I often use pieces of several kits (or sometimes broken items) to make my projects. For this one, I started with a Korber station and used part of an Aristo-Craft platform to add waiting platform with roof. I wanted the […]
Kitbash a Texaco gas station
I had an idea to kitbash a Texaco gas station using pieces of a broken Wells Fargo Pola building. I wanted the station to look like something from my memories. I had a drawing of a similar station that I’d made back in the 1980s. My building looks similar to this drawing. First, I carefully cut […]
Basic parts of a gauge-1 switch
Basic parts of a gauge-1 switch: Switches are necessary any time one wants to send a train in an alternate direction. They’re what makes it possible to store one train on a siding and run another around it, or any other basic operation. They’re essential if you want your trains to do more than just […]
Earthwork on the project railroad
Earthwork on the project railroad: We are ready to begin grading the line. The first thing we had to do was to transfer our design to the ground. This would give us a feeling for how the railroad would actually sit in its site and it would also delineate where the earthwork had to be […]
Scratchbuild a rural large scale depot
I wanted to scratchbuild a rural large scale depot to replace one that was past its prime on my garden railroad. While I was working as an art director for a commercial printing company, one of my sales reps came across a 1916 combination freight/passenger-depot blueprint. He asked his client, a buyer for the Union […]
A rural farmhouse for your garden railroad
When I started my garden railroad, around 1994 or 1995, I built structures from drawings printed in old Model Railroader issues. At the time, I was looking for something to build for the contest at the National Garden Railway Convention in Orlando, Fla. (mid 1996). I found drawings in the January 1992 issue (p. 124) […]
Scratchbuild a coal company from plastic
Scratchbuild a coal company: Before oil and electric became practical, coal was the fuel of choice for heating homes and businesses. Almost every city and town had one or more businesses that supplied coal. They received clean coal in large bulk, in various sizes, usually by railroad, and sold it in bags, buckets, and truck […]
Garden railroad MI Jack Crane
A garden railroad MI Jack Crane: Something unique, something different, that’s what I needed to endure the long winter of the Midwest when outdoor railroading comes to a dead stop! A building project. If you are thinking about railroading in the period 2020, you must recognize the dramatic change to containerized shipping. What better way […]
Kitbash a large-scale bunkhouse
I like to spend my Saturday mornings going to garage sales. Occasionally I find something I can use for my large-scale railroad. At one sale, I found a damaged Christmas Workshop sold by USA Trains. I paid the dollar asking price and brought my prize home. I had recently kitbashed a yardmaster’s office from […]