As the Model Railroader staff’s Eagle Mountain RR project nears completion, associate editor Eric White turns his attention to the structures and backdrops that finish off the desert setting. Get an overview of the kits used on the model train layout and some tips for working with preprinted backdrops on a model train layout. […]
Section: Project Layouts
Casting a tunnel liner and portal for the Eagle Mountain RR
Associate editor Eric White describes how he made his own molds out of styrene to make plaster castings. He used this technique to create the tunnel portal and liner on the Model Railroader staff’s HO scale Eagle Mountain project model train layout. […]
Building a trestle over a dry wash on the Eagle Mountain RR
A dry wash is a common scenic element in a desert landscape. Associate editor Steve Otte added this scenic element to the Model Railroader staff’s Eagle Mountain RR, as he describes in the June 2016 issue. In this video Steve describes scenicking the dry wash and building a Blair Line timber trestle for the main […]
Using plaster rock castings on the Eagle Mountain RR
Associate editor Eric White provides an overview of how he used plaster rock castings on the HO scale Eagle Mountain RR. You’ll learn how rubber rock molds made it easy to add a realistically rugged terrain to the Model Railroader staff’s 2016 project model railroad. […]
A scenery base for the HO scale Eagle Mountain RR
Mountains play an important part on the Model Railroader staff’s HO scale Eagle Mountain RR project layout. Associate editor Eric White describes how he used plaster gauze over a cardboard web to achieve the rocky scenery base found on the 4 x 8 model train layout. […]
Track and wiring for the HO scale Eagle Mountain RR
Associate editor Eric White continues his behind-the-scenes look at building the Model Railroader staff’s latest project model train layout. In this installment, Eric describes how he laid out the track plan full size on the benchwork tabletop, including how he used curve and turnout templates. He’ll also show you the basics of how he laid […]
Benchwork for the Eagle Mountain RR
Solid benchwork is key for a smooth-running model railroad. Associate editor Eric White shows you the benchwork for the Model Railroader staff’s HO scale Eagle Mountain RR. He’ll also discuss planning the 4 x 8 model train layout. […]
T-Trak Group Project: Ready, Set, Build!
MRVP’s David Popp is in a generous mood to share the gift of an assembled T-Trak module with a team of eager modelers from various parts of Kalmbach Publishing Co.! After David outlines the construction parameters, Kent Johnson chats a bit with each builder to find out what he or she is planning for their […]
Building the 3 x 7 Red Oak N scale model railroad part 6
The N scale Red Oak model train layout features a backdrop that runs down its center. Learn how the Model Railroader staff uses model trees and other scenery to conceal openings in the backdrop. Model Railroader editor Neil Besougloff and associate editor Steve Otte will also show you how to use scenery along the backdrop […]
Building the 3 x 7 Red Oak N scale model railroad part 7
Editor Neil Besougloff and associate editor Cody Grivno go over some of the finishing touches that the Model Railroader staff applied to the N scale Red Oak model train layout. While Cody is busy airbrushing track ballast, Neil points out some of the scenery and structure details added to the model railroad. You’ll also see […]
Building the 3 x 7 Red Oak N scale model railroad part 5
Model Railroader editor Neil Besougloff continues work on the Red Oak layout’s Iowa scenery. He’ll also show you some of the structures that have been completed and are awaiting installation on the layout. Speaking of structures, associate editor Eric White is busy building a signal tower for the N scale model railroad. Associate editor Steve […]
Building the 3 x 7 N scale Red Oak model railroad part 3
The foam scenery base has been cut and roadbed and track are well underway in this installment of the Red Oak video series. MR Video Plus producer David Popp will also discuss the Peco code 55 track and turnouts that he used on the project layout. Associate editor Cody Grivno describes the progress he’s made […]