Our local Michaels craft store sells an unfinished wooden birdhouse you can buy for just $4.99 (or less if you use a coupon). I’ve found it useful for kitbashing small buildings for your railroad. I will share three examples I made for my own railroad. [Note: All unfinished wood should be painted/stained before leaving […]
Modeling Topic: Structures
Lionel no. 97 coal elevator motor maintenance
In this Workbench Minute Hal Miller shows how to remove the motor from a Lionel no. 97 coal elevator, clean the brushes, and lubricate the gearing. Then he puts it back together and gets the venerable accessory running again. […]
Age of Steam Roundhouse
The biggest roundhouse built in the U.S. since the 1950s holds a treasure trove of steam power […]
Age of Steam Roundhouse
The biggest roundhouse built in the U.S. since the 1950s holds a treasure trove of steam power […]
Rehab My Railroad: A study in structure construction, Episode 12
The full Rehab crew is on hand to help push progress on the Jones Island HO scale layout section a bit further along. Join David, Cody, Eric, and Ben, as they walk through what they’re working hard to complete on their respective structure and trackwork projects. […]
Rehab My Railroad: A study in structure construction, Episode 12
The full Rehab crew is on hand to help push progress on the Jones Island HO scale layout section a bit further along. Join David, Cody, Eric, and Ben, as they walk through what they’re working hard to complete on their respective structure and trackwork projects. […]
Kitbash a large-scale gazebo for your garden
DIY garden train gazebo While shopping at a local thrift store, I spotted an aluminum tea light candle holder. The shape and size approximated a large-scale gazebo. With minor modifications and spray paint, it would make a weatherproof and inexpensive display piece in the railroad. I added a miniature hanging basket plant, made from a […]
Kitbashing a yard office – the finishing steps, Episode 45
To complete the work on his HO scale trackside structure, Cody shares how he primed and painted the assembly. After allowing the finish to dry, he also shows the process for adding details and weathering effects that give the styrene kitbashing project an authentic appearance. […]
Kitbashing a yard office – the finishing steps, Episode 45
To complete the work on his HO scale trackside structure, Cody shares how he primed and painted the assembly. After allowing the finish to dry, he also shows the process for adding details and weathering effects that give the styrene kitbashing project an authentic appearance. […]
Kitbashing a yard office, Episode 44
In this episode of Cody’s Workshop, our host has returned with a clear focus on custom-building a small trackside structure for Model Railroader magazine’s MR&T HO scale layout – The Jones Island project. Cody tackles the effort by combining three of the same styrene kits into one unique yard building. Examine his planning, prep, and […]
Kitbashing a yard office, Episode 44
In this episode of Cody’s Workshop, our host has returned with a clear focus on custom-building a small trackside structure for Model Railroader magazine’s MR&T HO scale layout – The Jones Island project. Cody tackles the effort by combining three of the same styrene kits into one unique yard building. Examine his planning, prep, and […]
Lionel No. 97 Remote Control Coal Elevator
Professor Roger Carp discusses the origin and evolution of the vintage Lionel Trains motor-driven coal conveyor accessory. CTT Editor Hal Miller also chimes in with operating insights and helpful tips. Learn even more about this unsung classic in the May 2021 issue of Classic Toy Trains magazine. […]