Trains Presents: Georgetown Loop

A train travels on the Devil's Gate Viaduct

The Georgetown Loop is one of the most amazing scenic railroads in the west. Built in search of mineral wealth, it loops up and over itself at the Devil’s Gate Viaduct to reach Silver Plume Colo. The line was abandoned in the 1930s, restored in the 1980s, and is a scenic and historic ride into […]

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Trains Presents: Big Boy No. 4004 restoration

Big Boy 4004 parties like it’s 1941 again! Join us at Cheyenne’s Holliday Park to talk to the restoration crew responsible for bringing Big Boy 4-8-8-4 No. 4004 back to its 1941 appearance in 2018. The giant locomotive has been on display for almost 60 years and is once more looking like its original appearance. […]

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Wild Wyoming

Freight train snaking along the bottom of a rocky canyon just above a river.

Join Trains Art Director Tom Danneman for a video adventure tracking down elusive BNSF Railway motive power in Wyoming’s Big Horn Basin. The spectacular and out-of the-way region is the scenic backdrop for unique BNSF locomotives such as Geeps, SD40-2s, and SD60Ms. A side trip to the Power River Basin and few “bonus” trains round […]

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Wild Wyoming

Freight train snaking along the bottom of a rocky canyon just above a river.

Join Trains Art Director Tom Danneman for a video adventure tracking down elusive BNSF Railway motive power in Wyoming’s Big Horn Basin. The spectacular and out-of the-way region is the scenic backdrop for unique BNSF locomotives such as Geeps, SD40-2s, and SD60Ms. A side trip to the Power River Basin and few “bonus” trains round […]

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Waukesha train-watching in the rain

A red-painted Canadian National locomotive hauling a train in the rain.

Join us trackside in Waukesha on Sept. 5, 2018, for three northbound Canadian National moves: a rail train, a unit potash train, and an intermodal train. The rain in still falling and many railroads throughout the state are experiencing high-water conditions and washouts. […]

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Trains Presents: Transcon Back Country Byway

Join us for an adventure in the Utah desert! Ride with Trains Editor Jim Wrinn as he drives the original roadbed of the first transcontinental railroad west of Promontory. See where the Central Pacific built 10 miles of track in one day and where the tracks crossed the salt marshes. Explore the sites of railroad […]

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Serendipity on a mail car

Northern Pacific triple-combine express car

Join Trains for a ride on a former Northern Pacific triple-combine express car as a retired mail car clerk, a historical interpreter, and a reporter meet to catch a mail bag full of history on a moving train on the Osceola & St. Croix Valley Railway in October 2017. Only from Trains! […]

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