Layout Size: Large Displays / Backyards
Plowing snow with a Class A Climax
When “snow” comes to northern California
The Garden Variety Railroad Show: Trees, train, and an expansion plan, Episode 2
Even with winter closing in fast, Kent still hopes to make progress on his garden railway. Rene is a bit less optimistic, so she shows how to prepare dwarf trees for the frozen months ahead. Meanwhile, Kent visits a neighbor’s bonsai tree collection, Cody starts a USA Trains GP38-2 locomotive repainting project, and David helps […]
Weathering winter in the woods
Fall is the time many builders begin preparing their railroads for harsh winter weather that lies ahead. Unless, of course, you’re lucky enough to live in a temperate climate zone. In the weeks before the cold arrives, some folks start to stow their structures, drain water features, and tuck the trains away for months of […]
Weave a dry wash into your railway
Photo 1 River rock provides operator access Nancy Norris Photo 2 Nancy Norris Photo 3 Nancy Norris Dry streams can make a splash in your railway! There’s no water, yet the path still flows. Running a ribbon of river rock unites your scenery and gives bridges purpose. The premise is simple. We mirror a watercourse, […]
Super-size Soo Line plows the snow
Super-size Soo Line tie replacement
A noisy little railway story
As I walked up the driveway toward Mick Spilsbury’s Black Canyon Railroad, I could begin to hear the multitude of sounds stemming from the site. At first, I could distinguish the sounds of cows and sheep coming from the vicinity of four stock cars. But then I listened a bit more deliberately, and heard 10 […]
A noisy little railway story
As I walked up the driveway toward Mick Spilsbury’s Black Canyon Railroad, I could begin to hear the multitude of sounds stemming from the site. At first, I could distinguish the sounds of cows and sheep coming from the vicinity of four stock cars. But then I listened a bit more deliberately, and heard 10 […]
The Garden Variety Railroad Show: Introduction, Episode 1
As previously highlighted in the Rehab My Railroad: Outdoors episodes, the task of restoring Kent Johnson’s small garden railway (1:29 scale) seems to be an on-going effort. While the work on his main line continues in this new series, Kent, Rene, Cody, and others will also introduce you to topics, techniques, tools, projects, and places […]
Visit the Serenity Valley Railway
Name: Bryan Hanson Railroad Name: Serenity Valley Railway Description: Drone footage of my garden railroad […]