Video Extra: New York Central steam around Buffalo

In his article “Boyhood Fascination with New York Central Steam” in the Winter 2008 issue of Classic Trains, author Fred Furminger recalls the mid-1950s when he, as a bike-riding teenager in Buffalo, photographed the final years of steam on NYC’s Michigan Central. Here’s a sampling of the 8mm movies he took then, including his homemade […]

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Video Extra: New York Central steam around Buffalo

In his article “Boyhood Fascination with New York Central Steam” in the Winter 2008 issue of Classic Trains, author Fred Furminger recalls the mid-1950s when he, as a bike-riding teenager in Buffalo, photographed the final years of steam on NYC’s Michigan Central. Here’s a sampling of the 8mm movies he took then, including his homemade […]

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The C&NW at Milwaukee’s Jones Island

This amazing indoor large-scale railroad was featured in Garden Railways’ February 2007 issue. The following photos are a sneak peek of what you can see in the full article. William Zuback OverviewAlmost the entire 28′ length of Bay Street can be seen here. The high-speed electric line running atop the concrete viaduct is not operational. […]

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Where to hike

Trains Magazine placeholder image

Will the U.S. rails-with-trails movement continue gaining momentum? Or will rail safety and congestion issues stop it in its tracks? In the September 2005 issue, Trains Magazine looked at the issues surrounding locations where recreational activities and active rail lines coexist in a shared space. Want to sample some of these trails yourself? Below is […]

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Inside Willow Springs

Willow Springs gantry cranes

A groundsman watches while an overhead crane lowers another truck trailer onto a flatcar at BNSF’s Willow Springs intermodal facility. Matt Van Hattem You can feel the heat rising from the asphalt beneath you on this humid summer evening. But your attention is directed elsewhere, at two men in reflectorized vests who-without saying a single […]

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Chicago’s hot spots

Metra F40PHM

If you want to know railroads, you’ve got to know Chicago. And Trains Magazine takes you there in its July 2003 Special Issue. You’ll see how 500 freight trains a day thread their way through the city, check in at the 30 active interlocking towers, pay homage to the city’s six great passenger stations, and […]

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Fostoria, Ohio

CSX Fostoria diamond

CSX AC4400CW 37 rolls past Fostoria, Ohio’s F Tower on the point of southward grain train G061 on February 18, 2001. With two railroads, three main lines, diamonds, and an active tower, Fostoria provides countless opportunities and angles for train watchers. James B. Winters A triangle of steel rails cross each other, the echoes of […]

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Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.

TRAIN-WATCHING HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TWIN CITIES HIAWATHA LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT LINE Runs from: Warehouse District/Hennepin Ave. in downtown Minneapolis along Hiawatha Avenue to MSP International Airport and Mall of America in Bloomington, 11.6 miles. Train frequency: Trains run daily, every 7-8 minutes during rush hours, every 10 minutes between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm, every […]

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Rich Mountain, Ark.

Rich Mountain is one of two sites in Arkansas profiled in Kalmbach’s Guide to North American Hot Spots by TRAINS Senior Editor J. David Ingles. Read below for Rich Mountain information. Site: Rich Mountain, Arkansas/Oklahoma Nearest City: Fort Smith, Arkansas (50 miles north) Location: Arkansas F-1, Oklahoma G-20, H-20 (Rand McNally Atlas) Directions: From Fort […]

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Metra F40PHM

Slant-nosed Metra F40PH-2Ms are seen powering Rock Island district trains, approaching Chicago’s LaSalle St. Station on December 15, 1997. Howard Ande Commuter trains have long been a part of Chicago’s railroad scene, appropriately enough for the railroad capital of the world. Illinois Central, the first railroad west of New York and Philadelphia to offer commuter […]

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