Jon Brooks fabulous O gauge pike video

Jon Brooks’ L-shaped O gauge layout is loaded with operating accessories from the past and present. The story of his latest railroad is featured in the February 2010 issue of Classic Toy Trains magazine, and also the star of this video he posted on Sit back and watch the action! […]

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Video: Realistic moving vehicles on a model railroad

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page In the February 2010 issue Model Railroader Publisher Terry Thompson shows how he used Faller’s motorized vehicle system to add realistic animation to the city scene on his HO German layout. In this video Terry gives you a tour of his model railroad, […]

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The N scale Salt Lake Route project layout part 1

Dick Christiansen and Cody Grivno next to layout

The latest Model Railroader project layout is the N scale Salt Lake Route built by former MR managing editor Dick Christianson. This model railroad uses Kato Unitrack and Digitrax Digital Command Control (DCC). Follow Dick as he give you a tour of the layout and discusses what inspired the theme of this N scale model […]

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History according to Hediger 8

Person with model train table

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page Model Railroader Senior Editor Jim Hediger grew up in Dearborn, Mich., and lived across the alley from Star Hobbies, a hobby shop owned by noted railroad photographer Emery Gulash. In this episode Jim shares an amusing story that demonstrates Emery’s legendary sense of […]

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How to simulate nail holes

Hands making simulated nail holes

Having trouble viewing this video?   Please visit our Video FAQ page Model Railroader associate editor Cody Grivno show how to use a pounce wheel to simulate nail heads on a structure. […]

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