BEST Trains HO scale freight house kit

Bollinger Edgerly Scale Trains HO scale freight house kit Price: $89.95 ManufacturerBollinger Edgerly Scale Trains375 Bean Hill Rd.Belmont, NH Comments: HO scale New England modelers can add an accurate model of a prototype that still stands in rural New Hampshire with the Wolfeboro Freight House from Bollinger Edgerly Scale Trains. This craftsman kit comes […]

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MTH O gauge Premier line DASH 8-40C

SIXTY YEARS AGO, if you’d lined up Alco, Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton, Electro-Motive, Fairbanks-Morse, and General Electric diesels and tried to pick which would rule 21st-Century railroading, few would have guessed it would be GE. After all, General Electric was a late-comer to the locomotive business and was chiefly known for supplying electrical components to other locomotive builders. […]

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MTH Premier line P5a O gauge locomotive

FOR ALL PRACTICAL PURPOSES, the center of electric-powered railroading in North America was the Pennsy. Oh sure, you might have had a little out west or on the New Haven, but the Pennsylvania RR’s electrified operations were the pinnacle of high-speed and high-tonnage operations in the United States. The Pennsylvania had an eclectic mix of […]

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MTH Electric Trains HO scale Mohawk 4-8-2

MTH Electric Trains HO scale Mohawk 4-8-2 Hudsons and Niagaras made the headlines on the steam-era New York Central, but Mohawks and Mikados made the profits. Plastic models of Hudsons, Niagaras, and H-6 Mikes have been available for several years, but Mohawks were available only in brass. Now the MTH HO L-3 and L-4 Mohawks […]

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O gauge 4-6-4 Royal Hudson by MTH

LIKE THE UNITED STATES, much of Canada is flat and empty with a humongous mountain range over on the left side. Factor in absurdly bad winters, and railroading in Canada requires industrial-strength solutions. It takes quite a bit of effort to haul people and things today, and it was not any easier in the steam […]

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O gauge 2-10-0 by MTH

Okay, so Czar Nicholas II lost the Bolshevik revolution and allowed Russia to slide into four generations of murderous totalitarian rule. But let’s not dwell on the negative – look at the bright side: American railroads got all those 2-10-0s Decapods that were built in the United States to help the Russians fight the Kaiser […]

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O gauge 2-10-0 by MTH video

    Enjoy a streaming video of the O gauge Premier Line 2-10-0 Russian decapod by MTH. It retails for $999.99 (no. 20-3310-1) and features can style motors, O-31 operation, die-cast metal construction, ProtoSound 2.0, and coil coupler on tender. […]

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