EGR and SCR locomotive systems: What do they mean?

Blue and silver passenger locomotive

EGR and SCR locomotive systems EGR and SCR locomotive systems are just two ways locomotives meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency emission regulations, specifically Tier 4, standards implemented for new locomotives built for service in the United States. The emission regulations are designed to reduce the amount of nitrous oxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide […]

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Modeling Amtrak’s “rainbow” fleet

Red and yellow locomotives leading passenger train with cars of several colors.

What is Amtrak’s “rainbow” fleet? Amtrak began operations on May 1, 1971, and at the time had only one piece of equipment sporting Amtrak’s first logo, E8 No. 4316. This engine is currently offered by Rapido. All of the passenger equipment came from the railroads that joined to form Amtrak, including over 400 from the […]

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Union Pacific has lost its way: Analysis

Yellow locomotives on train of tank cars

It’s fitting that Union Pacific’s logo is a shield. The beleaguered railroad needs one given the barrage of arrows coming its way. UP has a long list of problems, many of them self-inflicted as a predictable result of its pursuit of a 55% operating ratio. There are so many issues confronting UP that it’s hard […]

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Los Angeles or Denver?


Union Pacific E3A No. 5-M-1A and E3B No. 5-M-1B were bought – and lettered for – the road’s City of Los Angeles streamliner. However, on this July 1941 day they are at Denver, departing with the Pony Express. R. H. Kindig photo […]

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Work begins on Union Pacific Challenger No. 3985

Diesel and two steam locomotives in large shop building

  SILVIS, Ill. – Railroading Heritage of Midwest America crews have taken the first steps toward returning Union Pacific Challenger No. 3985 to operation this week by stripping parts off the 4-6-6-4. Today crews lifted the cab off the locomotive. “RRHMA crews have been making good progress all week striping down [No.] 3985,” says Steve […]

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Union Pacific continues to develop tie unloading system

Railroad ties are pushed out of freight car onto ground next to right-of-way

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Ties are a big topic at the annual NRC Conference — just about every railroad mentions how many ties it will replace in the coming year —so it makes sense that Shane Keller, Union Pacific’s vice president of engineering, wanted to highlight UP’s effort to improve the tie-replacement process. Keller was […]

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