Dairyland toehold


Grand Trunk Western owned and operated a small yard and ferry slip in Milwaukee into the 1970s. Here, 1926 Brill boxcab No. 73 works ferry Grand Rapids at Milwaukee in December 1955. Russ Porter photo […]

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FRA issues notice for rail infrastructure grants NEWSWIRE


WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) recently issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program. The NOFO includes more than $244 million in grant funding. “The Consolidated Rail Infrastructure & Safety Improvements grant program is an important resource for railroads […]

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Ask Trains: Why do EOTs only flash at night?

An orange end of train device is seen atop the rear coupler of a passing train

EOTs — end-of-train device Q: In track side watching and in videos, I note that end-of-train devices only flash at night. Why is this? — William Carpenter West Chester Township, Ohio The Northeast Operating Rules Advisory Committee (NORAC) rulebook used by most northeastern railroads states that each train occupying a main track or controlled siding […]

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