Historic Union Pacific Big Boy photos

FULL SCREEN Jim Shaughnessy The front half of Big Boy No. 4005 forms a wall of steel above a hostler at the Laramie, Wyo., engine terminal in August 1957. FULL SCREEN Jim Shaughnessy Battling up Sherman Hill, Big Boy No. 4011 exits the north tunnel at Hermosa, Wyo., with an eastbound freight in August 1957. […]

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Union Pacific freight station drawings

Check out these plans for the Union Pacific Glendale freight depot from Model Railroader magazine. Union Pacific built this modern-looking freight station midway along the 1.25-mile Glendale Branch that once was part of the former Glendale & Montrose Ry. The post-World War II structure was built of brick with large windows for natural light, and […]

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Union Pacific Big Boy: The rebirth of a legend NEWSWIRE

Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy No. 4014 on display at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona, Calif., in December 2012. David Lustig Through the 1940s and 1950s, Union Pacific’s 25 4-8-8-4 Big Boys symbolized powerful, big-time railroading in the wide-open American West. Now, Union Pacific is bringing one of these legendary locomotives, No. 4014, […]

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