Building Bay Junction: Part 16

Two men appear next to a layout area to work on a model railroad.

    Editor Neil Besougloff declares one end of the Model Railroader staff’s Bay Junction project model train layout complete. On the other end of the layout, Neil and managing editor David Popp continue to rejuvenate scenery with additional ground cover. David has also installed and painted rock castings for the riverbed. […]

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Building Bay Junction part 12

David Popp next to layout

The wiring is just about finished on the Bay Junction project layout. Managing editor David Popp shows you how to power turnout frogs. On this model railroad we’re using Peco track and turnouts and running trains with Digital Command Control (DCC). David has also installed a Tam Valley Depot Hex Frog Juicer and will describe […]

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Building Bay Junction part 13

David Popp and Neil Besougloff next to a layout

Model Railroader senior editor Jim Hediger finished Kelly Appliance Co. and installed the structure on the Bay Junction layout. Managing editor David Popp and Editor Neil Besougloff work on the scenery base. On the other side of the Milwaukee, Racine & Troy, associate editor Cody Grivno is working on another scene, a feed mill that […]

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Building Bay Junction part 14

Cody Grivno next to layout

Lots of progress has been made on the Model Railroader staff’s HO scale Bay Junction project layout. Associate editor Cody Grivno is working on ballasting track, including the interchange yard. Editor Neil Besougloff shows you how he painted the parking lot for his station. Associate editor Steve Otte describes his method for paving the streets […]

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Building Bay Junction 19

Steve Otte next to layout

The final scenery and details are starting to take shape on the Model Railroader Bay Junction project layout. Associate editor Cody Grivno describes some of the scene that he’s been working on around the grain elevator, while associate editor Steve Otte adds the last road signs and other details to Williams Bay. You’ll also see […]

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Building Bay Junction part 11

Tony Koester and Andy Sperandeo next to layout

A special guest stopped by while we were working on the railroad. Tony Koester, a contributing editor to Model Railroader and the editor of Model Railroad Planning, stopped by to check out the progress of Bay Junction on the Milwaukee, Racine & Troy. Executive editor Andy Sperandeo shows how his corn syrup transloading terminal is […]

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Building Bay Junction part 9

David Popp next to layout

Managing editor David Popp continues to work on the cork roadbed for the layout. He uses a surform tool to make a smooth transition from the mainline roadbed to the industrial section of the layout. Model Railroader editor Neil Besougloff describes his plan for adding a fence and streetlights to the train station scene at […]

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Building Bay Junction part 10

David Popp next to layout

David has finished laying all the track for Bay Junction and will show you how to install feeder wires. In the workshop you’ll see how associate editor Cody Grivno is progressing on the United Cooperative grain elevator, while senior editor Dana Kawala gets started on the fertilizer plant. […]

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Building Bay Junction part 7

Steve Otte at his work bench

The Model Railroader staff is working on the Bay Junction project layout. Managing editor David Popp runs track through the backdrop for the Kelly Appliance factory while associate editor Steve Otte is building shallow interior shadow boxes for the town. […]

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Building Bay Junction 4

David Popp next to a layout

The Model Railroader staff continues to work on the Bay Junction HO scale project model train layout. Managing editor David Popp fastens down new plywood for the base of the new town coming in, senior editor Jim Hediger is completing the finishing touches of the moveable step, and editor Neil Besougloff is painting the roof […]

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