Model modern Amtrak passenger train consists

A black model diesel locomotive pulls a modern passenger train down a grade

If you love traveling around the country on the rails like I do, you probably want to know how to model modern Amtrak passenger train consists. Amtrak’s consists vary between regions and train-by-train. For instance, there is a height limit in the New York City area so any train going in or out of New […]

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Amtrak service begins to return as server data issue clears up

People waiting in line at Chicago Union Station

CHICAGO — Amtrak departures from Chicago began at mid-morning today (Sunday, March 26) following two days of widespread cancellations because engineers couldn’t register, or initialize, trains in the interoperable positive train control system shared with host railroads. The impact of those cancellations will reverberate for days because equipment isn’t available to return to Chicago. Today’s […]

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Amtrak PTC server meltdown continues

Passenger train in snow

CHICAGO — Amtrak’s PTC issues have stretched into a third day and is leading to widespread National Network cancellations, although the company no longer has a notification of the problem on the front page of its website. As of 8:15 a.m. CDT today (Sunday, March 26), the Amtrak Alerts Twitter feed is listing the following […]

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Server issues continue to disrupt Amtrak operations

Passenger train passing station

CHICAGO — Ongoing issues with the server involved with Amtrak’s positive train control system have led to the cancellation today (Saturday, March 25), of a number of trains in the Midwest and elsewhere. According to the Amtrak Alerts Twitter feed, 11 of the 13 Hiawatha service trains between Chicago and Milwaukee have been canceled as […]

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Shop unions coalition announces agreement with Amtrak

Logos of eight shop craft unions

A coalition of eight shop craft unions have reached a tentative agreement with Amtrak, the unions announced Friday. The TCU & Shop-Craft Coalition said in a brief statement that it had reached the agreement on Thursday, March 23. “We appreciate the patience of our members, and we will be providing all the details of this […]

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PTC issues cause Amtrak cancellations and delays

Passenger train under gray skies

CHICAGO — Amtrak trains on some routes are experiencing cancellations or delays today (Friday, March 24) as a result of a nationwide server issue that is keeping the positive train control initialization process from taking place. “It is a back-office issue, and we have been working with our [PTC] vendor to resolve it,” Amtrak spokesman […]

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Former New York City Transit chief Byford to join Amtrak


NEW YORK — Former New York City Transit President Andy Byford will join Amtrak in a newly created role, senior vice president of high speed rail development programs. The new job, first reported by Streetsblog NYC, was announced in an Amtrak email to employees today (Thursday, March 23). He will join the company April 10. […]

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Amtrak releases annual funding request to Congress

Passenger train arrives at station with covered platform

WASHINGTON — Amtrak’s annual funding request to Congress seeks $1.7 billion for the Northeast Corridor and $1.95 billion for its National Network needs in the coming fiscal year, as well as almost $9.7 billion in additional funding, according to the General and Legislative Annual Report and Fiscal Year 2024 Grant Request released this week. The […]

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Amtrak train derails in Bay Area (updated)

PORT COSTA, Calif. — No injuries were reported after an Amtrak Capitol Corridor train struck a downed tree and derailed this afternoon, disrupting traffic on the San Jose-Auburn, Calif., route. The derailment was reported 3:25 p.m. PDT about a half-mile east of Port Costa, according to the Crockett-Carquinez Fire Department. Fifty-five people were on board; […]

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‘Adirondack’ tickets now on sale for service beginning April 3

Train approaches station in snow-covered landscape

NEW YORK — Following intense pressure from New York politicians, Amtrak has started selling tickets for travel on the New York-Montreal Adirondack, which will resume operation April 3 northbound and April 4 southbound. Ticket sales began Monday, March 20. It is the last route to be reinstated following widespread suspensions that took place in March […]

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