Man killed in Texas railcar accident

Logo of ExxonMobil

BEAUMONT, Texas — A 66-year-old Beaumont man has died in what is being described as “a railcar accident” at an ExxonMobil plant in Beaumont on Friday. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office said it has ordered an autopsy to determine the exact cause of death for Richard Garza, a contractor at the plant. No other information […]

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Massachusetts, Amtrak make ‘Valley Flyer’ service permanent

Cab car leads short passenger train past station

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — Valley Flyer service between New Haven, Conn., and Greenfield, Mass., will be made permanent, Massachusetts Department of Transportation and Amtrak officials announced Friday. The extension of New Haven-Springfield service to Greenfield was launched as a two-year pilot program on Aug. 30, 2019 [see “‘Valley Flyer’ shuttles … to being Aug. 30,” Trains […]

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More Gulf Coast STB hearings set as mediation efforts fail (updated)

People on station platform to welcome special Amtrak train

WASHINGTON — The Surface Transportation Board has scheduled two more days of hearings next month on Amtrak’s efforts to launch Gulf Coast passenger service after the passenger carrier, CSX Transportation, Norfolk Southern, and the Port of Mobile, Ala., failed to reach an agreement through board-sponsored mediation. The evidentiary hearings will be Nov. 17-18, beginning at […]

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Trainfest is right around the corner

red logo

Trainfest is right around the corner That’s right, America’s largest operating train show is just two weekends away. The show, perfect for all ages, will be held November 12th and 13th at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Hundreds of booths, including manufacturers and retailers, will be featured throughout the weekend. Come enjoy a variety of […]

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Casey’s General Store from Summit USA

Model of a modern gas station with vehicles at the pumps and a palm tree to the right

Casey’s General Store Scale: HO (1:87.1) Price: $120 Era: Modern Manufacturer: Summit USA, LLC 512 Ford St., Lake Charles, LA 70601; 337-436-8481; Casey’s General Store features: Laser-milled styrene, laser-cut white and clear acrylic, and self-adhesive micro-plywood parts Includes gas pumps, ice box, and signs Photo-illustrated instructions Parking lot base not included Building measures 13¼” […]

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Wabtec marks 10th anniversary of Fort Worth plant

Line of locomotives in primer paint

FORT WORTH, Texas — Wabtec has celebrated the 10th anniversary of its manufacturing operations in Fort Worth, having opened a 1-million-square-foot locomotive plant and 250,000-square-foot mining-equipment facility in October 2012. The mining facility opened first, delivering its first product in 2012, with the first locomotive being delivered to BNSF in 2013. Since then, it has […]

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Athearn Genesis National Steel Car 6,400-cubic-foot capacity gondola

Drawing of green gondola

National Steel Car 6,400-cubic-foot capacity gondola Scale: HO (1:87:1) Price: Single car, $64.99; two-pack, $109.99 Era: 2012 to present (varies depending on paint scheme) Manufacturer: Athearn Trains, 2904 Research Rd., Champaign, IL 61822; 800-338-4639; Features: Multiple body styles and ladder variations Removable scrap load Brass stirrup steps Metal grab irons Etched-metal crossover platforms where […]

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Regulators, concerned about service, order big four U.S. railroads to continue to provide detailed performance data

Train crossing a diamond

WASHINGTON — Citing ongoing service problems at the big four U.S. Class I railroads, federal regulators today ordered BNSF Railway, CSX Transportation, Norfolk Southern, and Union Pacific to continue reporting expanded performance metrics for an additional six months. The Surface Transportation Board in May ordered all Class I systems to provide weekly reports that cover […]

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Union Pacific General Electric standard turbine from ScaleTrains

Long yellow diesel locomotive and fuel tender

Union Pacific General Electric standard turbine Scale: N (1:160) Price: Direct current with Next18 connector – without tender, $144.99; with tender, $189.99. With ESU LokSound 5 Micro Digital Command Control and sound decoder with Full Throttle, Next18 connector, and sugar cube speaker – without tender, $244.99; with tender, $289.99. Era: 1950s to 1962 (varies depending on road number) […]

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GO Transit strike averted

Commuter train equipment in yard with one train passing on main line

TORONTO — GO Transit parent Metrolinx and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1587 have reached tentative agreement on a new contract, averting a possible strike by 2,200 GO Transit workers that was set to begin on Monday, Oct. 31. The CBC reports union members will vote on the agreement next week. The union represents bus drivers, […]

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