Lehigh Valley passenger trains remembered

A black and white photo of a conductor posing next to a locomotive

Lehigh Valley passenger trains remembered: All through February 2023, Classic Trains editors are celebrating the history and heritage of the Lehigh Valley Railroad in upstate New York. The LV was a smaller Class I railroads in its day, but still had interesting passenger trains as you can see from this photo gallery selected from the […]

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Lehigh Valley Railroad remembered

Streamlined red Lehigh Valley Railroad diesel locomotives pull freight train through curve in city

Without an ampersand, directional vector, or superlative in its title, the Lehigh Valley Railroad was of understated geographical reach. Its 440-mile New York-Buffalo line was slightly longer than competing routes of the Erie, New York Central, and Lackawanna, but shorter than the Pennsylvania’s. LV’s earliest component dated to 1836, but “the Valley” owed its existence […]

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North Shore passenger service photo gallery

Streamlined Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee equipment under catenary

Enjoy this North Shore passenger service photo gallery selected from among the Chicago, North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad files in Kalmbach Media‘s David P. Moran Library. This gallery celebrates the history, heritage, and Electro-glamour that was the high-speed North Shore interurban railroad. This North Shore passenger service photo gallery was first published in August 2015. […]

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Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee remembered

Streamlined electric passenger train crossing railroad tracks at grade during Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee history

Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee history is tied to the transit needs of Chicago and Milwaukee. In 1891 the Waukegan & North Shore Rapid Transit Co. was incorporated — a trolley line for the city of Waukegan, Ill., on the shore of Lake Michigan, 36 miles north of Chicago. In 1897, by which time it […]

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The Missouri-Kansas-Texas logo’s heritage

Woman with hand outstretched next to Missouri-Kansas-Texas logo

Missouri-Kansas-Texas logo underwent subtle changes throughout the railroad’s history. But its origin is more interesting than these iterative changes. In his history of the Katy, J. Parker Lamb mentions the different incarnations of Katy’s corporate herald over the years, but where did the road’s uniquely shaped emblem come from? According to Freeman Hubbard in his […]

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Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad remembered

Red-and-yellow Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad diesel locomotive on passenger train in station

The Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad is perhaps best summed up by two words: deterioration and reconstruction. Seldom has a railroad managed to survive the number of disasters, both natural and contrived, that befell the Katy. Its 1865 charter was for the Union Pacific Southern Branch. Although it connected with the Kansas Pacific (merged by UP in 1880) […]

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Missouri-Kansas-Texas locomotives remembered

Red diesel Missouri-Kansas-Texas locomotives outside shop building

Missouri-Kansas-Texas locomotives were modernized under the watch of President Matthew Sloan in the 1930s. They were mostly built before World War I, with higher boiler pressures and superheaters. As a light-rail granger road set in mostly prairie country, Katy needed only modernized engines. Premier mainline power was 154 Mikados and 62 Pacifies, with yard work […]

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Now arriving, Wally Abbey’s magnum opus

Book cover with blue-and-yellow diesel locomotive under blue sky

Some books seem to have a will of their own. Nothing, not the passing of decades, not even the passing of the author, will keep them down. If the story is compelling enough — and if it is blessed with passionate believers — the story will win out. That’s how I feel about “The Diesel […]

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Central of Georgia passenger trains

Steam locomotive on long passenger train

Central of Georgia passenger trains All through November 2022, Classic Trains editors are celebrating the Central of Georgia Railroad. For this article, please enjoy Central of Georgia passenger trains in images selected from Kalmbach Media’s David P. Morgan Library. This article was first published in December 2017. […]

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Central of Georgia locomotives remembered

Colorful Central of Georgia locomotive passing through station without train

Central of Georgia locomotives bought a great deal of variety to the South. When the Central of Georgia Railway was organized in 1895, it had 214 steam locomotives of the 4-4-0, 4-6-0, and 2-6-0 types. The roster was expanded in the early 1900s with 2-8-0s, 2-8-2s, 2-10-2s, 4-6-2s, 4-8-2s, and, briefly, 2-6-6-2s. Many of these […]

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Central of Georgia Railway history remembered

Streamlined Central of Georgia Railway diesel locomotives with freight train in vine-covered countryside

The builders of the Central of Georgia Railway’s earliest predecessor lines, beginning in my hometown of Savannah, could not have imagined that their railroad would eventually extend across Georgia into Alabama, barely into Tennessee, and, briefly, just inside Florida. But they persisted in assembling smaller roads into “A Hand Full of Strong Lines,” a slogan […]

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Bangor & Aroostook passenger trains


Bangor & Aroostook passenger trains Bangor & Aroostook passenger trains: All through October 2022, Classic Trains editors are celebrating the history, heritage, spirit, and grit of the Bangor & Aroostook, also known as the BAR by some. Please enjoy this photo gallery first published in January 2016 from images selected from Kalmbach Media’s David P. […]

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