Building Bay Junction part 22

Dana Kawala next to layout

Don’t miss the last episode of our Building Bay Junction video journal. The editors wrap up the series by describing the various finished structures and scenes on the Model Railroader HO scale Bay Junction model train layout. Be sure to post your comments below, and thank you for watching! […]

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Building Bay Junction part 22

Dana Kawala next to layout

Don’t miss the last episode of our Building Bay Junction video journal. The editors wrap up the series by describing the various finished structures and scenes on the Model Railroader HO scale Bay Junction model train layout. Be sure to post your comments below, and thank you for watching! […]

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Building Bay Junction 18

David Popp and Neil Besougloff next to a layout

Some areas of the Model Railroader staff’s Bay Junction model train layout have been declared finished, but there are still a few places that need some finishing touches. Associate editor Cody Grivno is working on some loose ends in between the rails of the track, while senior editor Dana Kawala finishes up the fertilizer plant […]

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Building Bay Junction part 15

Davi Popp and Andy Sperandeo next to layout

The town of Williams Bay takes shape on the HO scale Bay Junction project. Model Railroader associate editor Steve Otte shows some of the scratchbuilt interior buildings that he made for a block of structures from a Walthers Merchant’s Row kit. On the opposite end of the layout, executive editor Andy Sperandeo installed a kitbashed […]

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Building Bay Junction 18

David Popp and Neil Besougloff next to a layout

Some areas of the Model Railroader staff’s Bay Junction model train layout have been declared finished, but there are still a few places that need some finishing touches. Associate editor Cody Grivno is working on some loose ends in between the rails of the track, while senior editor Dana Kawala finishes up the fertilizer plant […]

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