Ask Trains: Tank car color schemes

A line of white-painted railroad tank cars with a swath of green grass in the foreground, framed by a tree branch

Q What is the meaning of tank car color schemes? Is there a color code? Some tank cars have a contrasting horizontal stripe on the middle section of the tank, while other tank cars are painted a solid color. Since some tank cars carry hazardous or toxic chemicals while others carry edible materials, are the […]

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How often do railroads patch out locomotives?

A paintbrush is used to arrange number decals on a yellow patch painted on a model locomotive

Q: I’ve read the articles on how to patch out locomotives and rolling stock, but how often are these techniques used by cash-strapped short lines? It seems a lot easier (and cheaper) to slap a patch on a new locomotive and get to work than repaint a used locomotive. – Michael Schlobohm A: Prototype railroads, […]

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How can I make a coupler height gauge for TT scale?

A diagram shows how to measure coupler height with a gauge

Q: Way, way back in the 20th century, I think in the 1980s (though I’m probably wrong), Model Railroader ran an article about making your own coupler height gauges in the various scales, including TT scale. Can you advise which issue that was? None are available in TT today, and I could use a couple on […]

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The mystery of the overhead bunker reefer car

A model of a brown wood-sided reefer car with ice hatches along the length of the roof

Q: I was given an older model of a reefer car that has hatches across the whole roof instead of on each end (see photo above). Is this a special type of reefer for handling a specific cargo? – Wes Barteck A: Though that kind of refrigerated car is more common north of the border […]

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Add maintenance operation to a layout

Two green-clad workers guide a rail truck out from under a gondola car

Q: Reading Jerry Dziedzic’s essay on “Turning waybills into dollar bills” (August 2023) made me realize that I don’t know anything about how prototype railroads handle the inspection and shopping of freight cars. Are cars sent in for inspection, paint, and maintenance at fixed times, or after a certain number of miles, or only when a […]

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Why is there a gate across the railroad track?

A black-and-white photo of a diamond crossing with a pivoting metal gate across the railroad track

Q: I’m planning a small layout based on The Bay Line (BAYL), a north Florida short line, focusing on the Cottondale diamond crossing and CSX interchange. I found a fascinating picture of the diamond near the interchange in 1989, which shows a grade crossing-type gate across the railroad track just before the diamond. What would the […]

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How do I know if my locomotive is DC or DCC?

A model locomotive without its outer shell, with components pointed out

Q: I’ve been given several HO scale locomotives that unfortunately came without boxes or information about whether they were DCC equipped or not. Most are very nice, higher end models, not entry-level. Is there any way to safely find out if each locomotive is DC or DCC without taking off the shells? Even if I do remove […]

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What shade of green were Lackawanna M.U. cars?

A six-car Erie Lackawanna electrified passenger train rolls under wire

Q: I’m planning to model the Hoboken, N.J., and Brick Church, N.J., stations on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the railroad I rode as a child and as an adult. I rode in the Lackawanna M.U. cars, but I can’t find them anywhere. I’m thinking I’ll buy the MuMP54 cars from Con-Cor and airbrush them […]

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How do I model a coal-gas plant?

A vintage black-and-white photo of a small industrial brick building with a smokestack, a coal pile outside, and a gas tank in the background

Q: I have a Walthers gas plant kit (item 933-3104) and gas storage tank kit (item 933-2907). I want to use these to model a coal-gas plant. Do you have any drawings or pictures of such a plant that I can model using these kits? – Thomas Lauritsen A: To help you model a coal-gas […]

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Modeling transition era railcar brakes

The underside of an HO scale caboose model with brake equipment labeled

Q: I am researching transition era railcar brakes. Were there books written on the subject, and are they still available for purchase? – Ron Buddemeier A: The most complete and detailed reference for transition era railcar brakes is the one used by the railroads themselves – the Car Builder’s Cyclopedia of American Practice. This weighty […]

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How do I add DCC passenger car interior lighting?

An HO scale passenger car is seen with its roof removed next to a passenger car interior lighting kit

Q: I have some HO scale passenger cars that I would like to install LED lights into. I’m new to model railroading. I understand that I need decoders in each car, but after that, I’m lost. – Alex Laserson A: If you want to install passenger car interior lighting, you don’t absolutely have to use […]

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How do I get back into model railroading?

A track plan for a compact HO scale around-the-walls layout

Q: I would value your feedback on how to approach creating a new HO scale layout. I’m approaching retirement, so I will have the time to get back into model railroading, which I’ve not pursued in more than 40 years. So much has changed that it’s overwhelming. I have a lot of track and rolling stock […]

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