Reviewed: Lionel’s new no. 2219W Lackawanna “Thunderbird” set

ANYONE WHO HAS READ MY REVIEWS OVER TIME knows I have one simple mantra about reproductions of vintage trains. Simply put: “New is better.” So starts Bob Keller’s review of Lionel’s no. 2219W Lackawanna “Thunderbird” set, one of the new “Lionel Postwar Authentics – Conventional Classics.” Older trains (postwar or even prewar) are simple, rugged, […]

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Scarce Lionel refrigerator and cattle cars

Scarce Lionel refrigerator and cattle cars are still out there. I know because I found a couple of them; being helpful put me in contact with the owners. 

It was an April evening when I returned home to find this message on my answering machine: “I have a train set that was purchased in 1941. Can you tell me what it’s worth?” I recognized the voice as belonging to an acquaintance that knew I collected Lionel trains. “Nice of the guy to call,” […]

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Reviewed: O gauge Interurban set by K-Line by Lionel

After reading the following review, be sure to watch streaming video of this set in action. YOU CAN STILL SEE THE TRACES HERE AND THERE. A section of back road with the unmistakable appearance of a tree line and a long-gone grade crossing; perhaps a concrete overpass converted into a bike trail years ago; or […]

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Lionel diesel horns

Q: I’m having problems with my postwar Lionel diesel horns. One is in a no. 2343 Santa Fe F3 and the other is in a no. 2331 Virginian Train Master. Both locomotives are in like-new condition, and though I know I can buy a replacement horn, I’d like to keep them original and get the […]

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O gauge boxcab electric by K-Line by Lionel

INEXPENSIVE IS NOT BAD. Cheap is bad, but not inexpensive. Cheap means flimsy material and poor reliability. Inexpensive means “I’ll take two, instead.” Lionel seems to be steering the K-Line product line in a specific direction – and that direction appears to be smart, economical trains, rather than the high-dollar super-spectacular locomotives we came to […]

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O gauge SD70ACe by Lionel

I’M VERY PLEASED TO NOTE that if I was mildly disappointed in Lionel’s scale-detailed GP7 (see November 2008 reviews), the firm’s O gauge rendering of a pinnacle of modern locomotion, the EMD SD70ACe, has more than made up for it in the Department of Wow. The prototype has plenty of detail points to model, and […]

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O gauge Union Pacific FEF-3 4-8-4 by Lionel

O gauge Union Pacific FEF-3 4-8-4 by Lionel

LET’S CUT RIGHT TO THE CHASE. This is the finest steam locomotive that Lionel has ever made. Period. End of discussion. Insert photo of me puckering up to give this steamer a big old smooch. Whew. OK, I’ve taken a deep breath. I’ve cooled down. Now, on with the rest of the review. This Lionel […]

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O gauge starter-set 0-8-0 by Lionel

OKAY, SO THE BRASS IN LIONELVILLE was trying to come up with a new engine for starter sets. Or, better said, they were trying to develop a new value-priced locomotive that could be sold separately or in starter sets. Of the gazillions of prototypes out there, Lionel settled on the USRA 0-8-0 steam locomotive. That […]

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